You must be a heartless person if you do not adore baby animals. There is something about them that brings out the best in everyone. We are sure that some of it has to do with their naivete. At this point in their lives, they know next to nothing in the world and could not be held accountable for their actions. If you are still unconvinced, we recommend you check out these photos. This is also a good idea if you just need a breather. Trust us, these cute baby animals will make you forget about all of your worries!
Baby Hedgehog
We are here to let you know that “hoglet” is the official term for a baby hedgehog. This must be one of the most adorable things that we have been blessed enough to see. There is something about their round bodies and little hands that make us squeal in delight. That sweet expression goes well with the feet sticking out! Unlike porcupines, they do not shoot out their quills. This means that you are free to cuddle with them! These animals only come with quills so that they can scare off predators in the wild.

Baby Hedgehog
Baby Dolphin
Did you have a dolphin phase when you were young too? The fascination around them makes sense to us since they are both very cute and very smart. They actually develop their hind limbs in the womb, but they retract and disappear before they are born. This goes to show that they have four-legged terrestrial mammal ancestors. They have traits that set them apart from other marine animals. These creatures like to play, ride the waves, make bubble rings via the blowholes. They would go on to spin the bubbles on their beaks until they get bored. This is something that we would like to see them do in person!

Baby Dolphin
Baby Hamster
Unlike baby sloths, hamsters are blind and naked upon their birth. They only develop their sense of sight and open their eyes around 14 to 17 days into their existence. The pregnancies last three weeks, while a momma hamster can have six to twenty babies per litter. That is a lot of cuteness in one go! Things might go wrong when the mother is stressed out, however. There is a chance that she will abandon or even eat the babies when this happens! Make sure to give your pet hamsters all the TLC that you can.

Baby Hamster
Baby Kangaroo
How neat is it that baby kangaroos are called joeys? What a cute name for such a cute animal! Wait until you hear how they enter the world. A joey is born into the pouch on the belly of the mom. At that point in time, they remain immature and weigh less than a gram. They are also only one inch in length. This baby will start to suckle and eventually spend more time outside the pouch until it is time for it to leave altogether. You can expect that to happen any time between seven and ten months.

Baby Kangaroo
Baby Cat
Well, this must have been obvious. Cats and dogs are the two most common pets in the world! While we might be used to them, their cuteness cannot be missed. This cute newborn Persian is more proof of this. We love how big those eyes are on his oversized head. We have not even mentioned his tiny paws either. Kittens have and always will rule the internet, but we doubt that you needed us to tell you that.

Baby Cat
Baby Stingrays
We probably do not have to tell you that it is a bad idea to cuddle with a baby stingray. When they are adults, they look scary. This is not the case when they are still young. These flat sea animals make their way through the waters by waving around or flapping their fins around. Their eyes are located at the bottom of the body, so they rely on the sense of smell and electroreceptors to look for food. Cool!

Baby Stingrays
Baby Squirrel
Squirrels are far from the strangest things on this list. You can find them on just about every continent in the world, save for Antarctica and Australia. This is good news since you will probably see a baby once or twice in your life. The babies tend to leave the nest behind once they reach their seventh or eighth week. Despite this, they do not typically head out far as they keep themselves to a distance of fewer than two miles. You can say that they have a green thumb as they bury acorns that then grow into oak trees.

Baby Squirrel
Baby Pig
Is there anything in the world more precious than this smiling piglet? Just so you know, pigs are cute and smart animals. The babies can even recognize the voice of their mom and learn their names at only two weeks old. This is impressive enough as it is, but the mothers like to ‘sing’ while they nurse their babies too. To be fair, who would not love the opportunity to sing to the adorable baby in this photo?

Baby Pig
Baby Sloth
It is a good thing that sloths do not move very quickly since it gives us the chance to observe their cuteness some more. The smiley sloth is a unique creature in a number of ways. For one, they are born with fur and open eyes already. They also climb and cling to their mom’s fur as soon as they enter the world! These are one of the most fascinating animals in the world. They eat and move very slowly. There is a good chance that they will spend their entire life in just one tree!

Baby Sloth
Baby Crocodile
When it comes to dangerous predators such as crocodiles, the first thing that comes to mind would be the scary adult ones. They are actually pretty cute when they are babies, however. These animals are some of the oldest in the world. Can you believe that they have been here since the age of the dinosaurs? Hatched from eggs, the temperature of the nest is what determines their gender. Upon their birth, they are in for a world of danger. In fact, nearly all the babies get eaten by larger creatures less than a year after their birth. This is one of the lucky ones.

Baby Crocodile
Baby Dog
Good luck trying to resist the adorable charms possessed by little pups. There are different breeds of dogs all over the world. This means that we get all kinds of varieties as well. Each one is just as cute as the previous breed. The photo below shows a mini Goldendoodle. Is there anything cuter than this?

Baby Dog
Baby Fennec Fox
This Sahara Desert native is cute with a capital C. This is the smallest of the fox species, but it is capable of surviving the cruelly dry environment. We love their ears, which can reach a length of six inches. Did you know that they tilt their heads to figure out where their prey is? On top of that, their huge ears are helpful when it comes to dissipating the heat of the sun so that they can stay cool in the desert.

Baby Fennec Fox
Baby Tortoise
This little tortoise wanted to get a strawberry that is nearly as big as he is. How adorable! Hatchlings, which is what baby tortoises are called, are pretty similar to the adults. One of the biggest differences is that they tend to be more sensitive to temperature changes. Apart from this, they tend to be hardy creatures that like to lie in the sun and munch on fruits and veggies. We would love to be a tortoise.

Baby Tortoise
Baby Chimpanzee
Are you surprised by how much this baby chimpanzee looks like us? Well, there is no reason to feel that way since they are very closely related to humans. As a matter of fact, we share 98.5 percent of our DNA. They have facial structures that are uncannily similar to ours. To be fair, they are just several evolutionary steps apart from you and me. Apart from this, chimps can act like us too. They like to hug to show affection and laugh when they play. Can we get a hug from these cousins of ours?

Baby Chimpanzee
Baby Giraffe
We agree that giraffes have a striking appearance. Upon their birth, however, the baby is dropped from a height of six feet. It ends up landing on its head, but you do not have to fret as this doesn’t hurt. This is an important step in their development since it teaches them to take a gasp of air. They learn to walk in only an hour. Wouldn’t you love to watch one of these babies take its first few steps?

Baby Giraffe
Baby Tapir
If you are not familiar with the tapir, it would be an honor to introduce it to you. It looks like the cutest possible mix of a pig and elephant. This is an exotic species with only 3,000 or so left across the globe. We are sure that it has not been helpful for their population that a tapir only gives birth to one baby all their lives. The unique pattern on their bodies is helpful when it comes to hiding from their predators.

Baby Tapir
Baby Chameleon
Check out this photo of a chameleon. Did you know that there are 171 species of this reptile out there? They have varying sizes and unique characteristics. You might be surprised to hear that they don’t lay eggs nor hatch. They actually give birth to the babies themselves. On top of that, they have eyes that can move independently of each other. This is the reason they sometimes look in opposite directions at once. It is neat to hear that they are capable of zooming in! This creature deserves all the love.

Baby Chameleon
Baby Alpaca
We just cannot stand how precious the alpaca is. The baby ones are even cuter than the adults! They are South American natives, although they have since been exported to the rest of the world. With their soft fur, we would love nothing more than a hug from these gentle creatures. It makes for the ideal pet as long as you train it properly. How awesome would it be to have a pet that can give us sweaters too?

Baby Alpaca
Baby Owl
Do you think that more people got owls as pets when Harry Potter came into popularity? They are truly a sight to behold with their round bodies, fluffy feathers, and big eyes. These creatures tend to be very lovable, although they tend to be clingy and needy. Caretakers have to be extra careful when they rehabilitate these birds since the owlets can get attached right away. In fact, these people have to wear camouflage and feed them through tweezers and an owl puppet to ensure that they can survive.

Baby Owl
Baby Pygmy Hippo
This is a photo of a little pygmy hippo. The little guy in this photo is probably very friendly too. Hippos have one of the lengthiest pregnancies in the animal kingdom. They will only give birth to one baby after eight months. The mom and the child will spend a couple of weeks bonding with each other until the older one joins a team of female hippos. Together, they work to keep the babies safe from all kinds of predators. This orphan seems to have found the right substitute mom! Isn’t that adorable?

Baby Pygmy Hippo
Baby Platypus
Aww, take a look at this cute baby platypus. Sometimes, this animal is also known as the duck-billed platypus. While it might look like a mythical creature, it really does exist. In fact, this is a semiaquatic mammal that is capable of laying eggs. You can see one in real life if you go to Tasmania and the rest of eastern Australia. This happens to be the only living creature in the family and genus. It is one of a kind!

Baby Platypus
Baby Bison
You are looking at a photo of a baby bison. He had been trotting along to keep up with its herd. Upon its birth, the American bison calf tends to weigh anywhere from thirty to seventy pounds. It is not only the mom that keeps the baby safe since the rest of the herd also works to protect the baby. As a matter of fact, a bison normally lives for 14 to 24 years. This little fellow right here has a long way to go!

Baby Bison
Baby Gorilla
We do not know what it is about monkeys, chimps, and gorillas, but we love them! You will likely feel the same way when you take a look at this little one. How small is she?! At the time of birth, a baby gorilla is tinier than a human baby. She weighed no more than five pounds when it entered the world in September 2018. Its mother is Kumbuka, who lives at the Jackson Zoo and Gardens.

Baby Gorilla
Baby Okapi
We have to admit that we did not know that there is an animal like this one before. Despite this, we are glad that the okapi exists! It is also known as the forest giraffe. The even-toed mammal lives in the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It has striped markings that might remind you of the zebra, although the truth is that this creature has more in common with the giraffe.

Baby Okapi
Baby Elephant
What a nosedive! We are just kidding, if that was not clear enough. This little fellow right here was just getting used to standing his own two feet when this was taken. Good job, baby! How cool is it that calves learn how to walk an hour or two after birth? In a matter of two days, they get strong enough to be a part of the herd. This is amazing since human babies only learn how to walk a year after birth.

Baby Elephant
Baby Duck
We do not know how you feel about dogs, but we are sure that you find this baby cute as well. This wide-eyed little one is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Isn’t she the fluffiest little duckling you have ever seen? If we were her owners, we would probably try to bring her with us everywhere. Her presence alone must have a therapeutic effect on anyone lucky enough to see her in person.

Baby Duck
Baby Seal
You have to work hard to convince us that there is something more precious than this baby seal. With a white coat and big eyes, it is too much effort to resist the charms of these babies. They are typically born on sea ice in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. While they don’t have blubber as soon as they are born, they quickly gain weight due to the high-fat milk of their moms. When they are 80 pounds heavy, their moms no longer nurse them. This happens so that they learn how to hunt for their own food.

Baby Seal
Baby Frog
The truth is that there are creatures more popular than amphibians. You have to be completely cold-blooded yourself if you don’t think that this baby frog is a certified cutie. Isn’t he adorable? We love the way that he is resting on the hand of this human with his eyes closed. He looks like he is at peace. It must not be easy to take care of one of these since they are tiny and know how to hop quickly.

Baby Frog
Baby Pygmy Goats
Most people pick cats and dogs when they want to bring home a pet. You can always opt for a more unconventional route, however. There are plenty of folks out there who go for parakeets and even rabbits. But a pygmy goat is the right choice for others. This is a cute animal that makes for a great pet when trained well. The creature is easy to train and take care of. On top of that, they are super friendly!

Baby Pygmy Goats
Baby Beaver
We would kill to hug this little guy. How is it possible for anything in the world to be this cuddly and cute? This baby beaver had been enjoying its afternoon snack at the time this was taken. It might look mature to you, but it is still a baby. The right term here is kit. As babies, these animals are already well-developed physically and can even swim right away. Despite this, they tend to stay in the lodge or thereabouts for around a month. If we were their parents, we won’t let them get out of our sight!

Baby Beaver
Baby Koala
It is hard to deny that koalas are amazing creatures. When they reach adulthood, they are still as lovable as can be. However, we have to say that the babies are even cuter than usual. This photo is going to convince you if our words can’t. They are also called joeys and weigh a single gram when they are born. You can check them out in person if you have the means to head to the land down under.

Baby Koala
Baby Cow
We want to give kudos to the person who snapped this photo. They were able to capture a very sweet scene between the calf and her mother. Even though the baby might look small compared to the older one, it actually weighs sixty to a hundred pounds already. The calf learns how to nurse, stand, and walk only an hour after it is born. We all know that this is not the case for human babies. If you ask us, this fun fact only makes these creatures all the more majestic in our books.

Baby Cow
Baby Valais Blacknose Sheep
You are looking at a Valais Blacknose Sheep in this photo. This breed of domestic sheep is found in the Valais mountains in Switzerland. The animals tend to have patches of black on the eyes, ears, nose, feet, and knees. The thick wool is great at keeping them warm during the harsh winters. On the whole, they are pretty rare and only live in Germany and Switzerland. Recently, their popularity has been growing. That must be why they are now being bred in other parts of the globe.

Baby Valais Blacknose Sheep
Baby Sugar Gliders
Sugar gliders, as you can see in this photo, are tiny creatures! Of course, the newborns are much tinier than the adults. We can’t help but squeal in delight at the sight of these cuties, although this is true for both the joeys and fully-grown ones. You are probably interested in hearing the reasoning behind their names. Well, they like sugary foods like sap and nectar. They also like gliding through the air!

Baby Sugar Gliders
Baby Raccoon
Are you the sort of person who cringes at the sight of a raccoon? We feel you. No one wants to catch them making a mess out of our trash bins. Let us just say that a lot of people have awful experiences with these animals. You might be surprised to hear that they are getting popular as pets recently. The kits or cubs, as the babies are called, tend to sound like baby humans when they are in distress. These animals are intelligent. For one thing, their dexterous paws allow them to twist handles and open doors!

Baby Raccoon
Baby Rabbit
It is not exactly a secret that baby rabbits are nothing short of precious. We simply melt when we see their velvety fur, big floppy ears, and cute little hop. These are sensitive creatures with awesome personalities. They are a lot like dogs and cats in that way. They often get bored and need a ton of companionship and playtime to say happy. Luckily for them, we are ready to provide all that and more!

Baby Rabbit
Baby Skunk
It is a good idea to avoid adult skunks as much as you can. Their smelly sprays are infamous for a good reason. You might find it a lot harder to stay away from their babies since the kits are so delightful! Their eyes open only three weeks after they are born. They also develop quickly. In fact, they can have their own babies in only ten to twelve months! We know that they are cute, but make sure not to pet them!

Baby Skunk
Baby Panda
Check out this panda! We wonder if he is singing out loud to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” How funny would it be if that were the case? It is truly upsetting to hear that they are endangered. It does not help that their habitats are disappearing now that bamboo forests are being demolished. On the bright side, there are many zoos out that try to improve the state of things for these adorable creatures.

Baby Skunk
Baby Prairie Dog
It is true that the prairie dog is not very popular, but this does not make it any less fascinating. The mating season for these creatures only lasts an hour each year. They like to dig tunnel systems below the ground and also boast the most complex animal vocabulary that has been decoded. Even though you might think that their squeaks are simple and repetitive, the calls convey a lot of details and descriptions. They have it in them to describe a tall guy wearing the color blue. Isn’t that cool and scary?

Baby Panda
Baby Deer
You are looking at a photo of the Chinese water deer. It is known for its fangs, which grow as they get older. We can totally see why some people like to refer to them as ‘vampire deer.’ These fangs might look scary to us, but they do not really pose any harm. They are fragile and fangless as babies. It is sad to hear that as much as 40 percent of all newborns die a month later.

Baby Prairie Dog