20 Wild Rules That Genghis Khan’s Warrior Had To Live By

Published on 05/12/2022

The Mongol armies of Genghis Khan established one of the world’s greatest empires, but it came at a cost. You see, the warlord did not fear terrible violence. In fact, this cruel tyrant created stringent regulations and standards that regulated his troops’ conduct on and off the battlefield as well. A lot of rules have been established and some of it can be really wild for us to understand. But of course, rules are rules, no matter how crazy was it, they need to follow it at all times. And, as you would guess, anybody who challenged him had severe repercussions… So here’s what one of his guerrillas actually was like.

18+ Wild Rules That Genghis Khan's Warrior Had To Live By

18+ Wild Rules That Genghis Khan’s Warrior Had To Live By

#20. Keeping Genghis Khan’s Tomb A Secret

On a summer day in 1227, Genghis Khan died. You would expect that the great guy – the king of everything he surveyed, let’s not forget, would be buried in a beautiful and showy gravesite. But the reality was far away. The emperor himself, in fact, was meant to demand the opposite.

#20. Keeping Genghis Khan's Tomb A Secret

#20. Keeping Genghis Khan’s Tomb A Secret

That’s What We Thought…

Genghis Khan apparently ordered him to be buried secretly — and nothing at all should mark his burial. Therefore, after the death of Genghis Khan, grieved warriors took his remains to a hidden place. You even ran 1,000 horses over his grave over and again to destroy any evidence of his presence! And nobody knows where Genghis Khan remains after 800 years.

That's What We Thought...

That’s What We Thought…

#19. Master The Art Of Archery

One of the principal reasons for the success of Genghis Khan? The archery abilities of his men were terrific. But the art of manufacturing did not come from none at all. No, Genghis Khan has guaranteed that people of Mongol have been trained in infancy. Children – boys and girls – even tested in different combat talents were competing. These included wrestling, horseback, sports, and archery.

#19. Master The Art Of Archery

#19. Master The Art Of Archery

Best Bows At All Times

And in his troops, Genghis Khan not only needed a great degree of architecture. Mongol soldiers were supposed to be proficient at shooting arrows as they were galloping around their horses. But the tyrant ensured the most excellent possible bows at the moment for his soldiers. It was state-of-the-art wooden core weaponry that was lethal in the right hands.

Best Bows At All Times

Best Bows At All Times

#18. Horses Are Prioritized At All Times

There was nothing more significant than his horse-y companion for a Mongol warrior. But soldiers don’t have just one horse! Encyclopedia of World History says that they went with a bit of four or five steeds several times. So, when Genghis Khan called them, they would always find a new one.

#18. Horses Are Prioritized At All Times

#18. Horses Are Prioritized At All Times

Horses Are Important For Their Warriors

The Mongols, therefore, handed their competitors a significant advantage. They could travel long distances at rapid speeds with horses. For another reason, though, the horse was vital to Genghis Khan. The animals were regarded as a wealth gauge. We may thus expect that every Mongolian guerrilla worth his salt will take excellent care of his steeds.

Horses Are Important For Their Warriors

Horses Are Important For Their Warriors

#17. Always Be Prepared To Retreat

The Mongol hordes are, in reality, based on a stereotype running over the steppes and conquering them all. But by plunging headlong in battle, they did not always prevail. The soldiers were far more clever. The tactical retreat was a combat technique that was significantly utilized by Genghis Khan.

#17. Always Be Prepared To Retreat

#17. Always Be Prepared To Retreat

The Reality Behind It…

The Mongols attacked with relatively minor force, according to HistoryNet.com, and then retired quickly into confusion. The main Mongol forces would strike when the enemy started out in pursuit of the planned escape. Genghis Khan’s warriors would completely destroy them if the oncoming enemy soldiers were ignorant. And this retreat seems to have led to several wins.

The Reality Behind It...

The Reality Behind It…

#16. Be Openminded To All Religions

Genghis Khan had conquered Asia, the Near East, and Europe brutally. His religious tolerance might thus come as a surprise. Even the Mongols focused on shamanism, spirits, and devotion. The Mongols themselves. Yet, the people they ruled seemed not to be willing to impose their faith. What’s happening?

#16. Be Openminded To All Religions

#16. Be Openminded To All Religions

Respect Can Make Things Easier

Genghis Khan seemed to have felt it would be more trouble than good to force religion on others. It is also said that the Mongols tried to acquire the religious leaders on the right-hand side of the annexed area. They even allowed priests and sacred places tax exemptions. It is reported that Genghis Khan felt it would make it less probable for victorious kingdoms to rebel.

Respect Can Make Things Easier

Respect Can Make Things Easier

#15. Compulsory military service

Maybe Genghis Khan had to work above all else. The more men he had under his command, the simpler his territorial goals would be to realize. It is, therefore, no surprise that the Mongols did not rely on voluntary workers. No, stringent regulations determined who in the Mongol military should be ready to serve.

#15. Compulsory Military Service

#15. Compulsory Military Service

The Mongol Art Of War

From 16 to 60 years old, all capable males — specific sources claim 15 to 70 – can be asked to serve as soldiers. Timothy May estimates that one out of seven Mongolian citizens were warriors in his 2017 book The Mongol Art of War. It’s a remarkably militaristic society.

The Mongol Art Of War

The Mongol Art Of War

#14. Sharing

If there’s a means of losing your soldiers’ allegiance, they won’t pay them what they think is their due deserts. And although the Mongols got nothing approaching regular salary, the warriors were produced lavishly. Yet Genghis Khan had a rule to this. It should not come as a surprise.

#14. Sharing

#14. Sharing



Division Of Loots

When the Mongols captured more people, the riches like gold and silver, horses, and slaves were stolen. And Genghis Khan ensured that the treasure was divided fairly. Of course, until an opponent was defeated entirely, that didn’t happen. However, then the jarqu was apprenticed by a special committee.

Division Of Loots

Division Of Loots

#13. Equality Under The Law

His development of a series of rules was another perhaps unexpected feature of Genghis Khan’s leadership. And it was a consequence of some equality amongst the Mongols. In the book Modern Mongolia Reclaim, Genghis Khan brings out that the rules of the Warlord did it in two ways.

13. Equality Under The Law

13. Equality Under The Law

Abiding The Rules

First of all, the rules of Genghis Khan ensured that it was better warriors than those with ties to royal families who were promoted. Second, in fact, the Mongol rules provided women with safety and prestige. When the rights of women abroad did not exist, Mongolian women were frequently politically powerful and were able to act as shamans.

Abiding The Rules

Abiding The Rules

#12. Always Obey The Rules

When it comes to unquestionable allegiance from military forces, Genghis Khan and his lieutenants were one. Orders must always be obeyed. Soldiers and even commanders can be caught if they don’t follow the written instruction. In actuality, the official was in charge of the guy who was penalized if any soldier’s equipment was gone.

#12. Always Obey The Rules

#12. Always Obey The Rules

It Should Be Taken Seriously

Some violations have been resolved by the ultimate penalty: performance. Crimes punishable by death included sleeping under a duty as a guardian, abandonment, or withdrawal without instructions. Grunge.com states: “”These men… are more obedient to their masters than any other men in the world. Fights, brawls, wounding, murder is never met with among them.” in 1245—Friar Giovanni di Plano Carpini—wrote. There are never struggles, struggles, wounds, murders.”

It Should Be Taken Seriously

It Should Be Taken Seriously

#11. Practice hit-and-run tactics

The Genghis Khan army was mainly composed of horseback riding archers. These highly mobile soldiers were perfect for one of the favored combat strategies of the Mongols. This was the hit-and-run attack, which had to be rehearsed and continuously refined. So what was that? So what?

#11. Practice Hit And Run Tactics

#11. Practice Hit And Run Tactics

It’s All Part Of The Plan

The troops would assault quickly – frequently using their bows to death – and then flee before an opponent army had a chance to rebuild its numbers. These quick horseback riding rides are often made-the enemy’s weapons are out of the range. The Mongols would only launch a last crushing attack when their opponents were sufficiently distressed by hit-and-run tactics.

It's All Part Of The Plan

It’s All Part Of The Plan

#10. Target The Leaders Of The Enemy

An enemy force can be disrupted by taking its commanders out. This undoubtedly was a technique that Genghis Khan urged his soldiers to pursue. In reality, Genghis Khan’s first wars took on a strategy. In his successful attempt, he strove to unify the Mongolians under a single ruler: him.

#10. Target The Leaders Of The Enemy

#10. Target The Leaders Of The Enemy

Allowing Leaders To Escape Is A Big Mistake

Genghis Khan understood soon that it was an error to let opposition leaders leave. It meant that they could rally their people and survive to combat another day even after the battlefield setback. He, therefore, constantly ensured that his rivals were thrown into the sword, generals, and rulers.

Allowing Leaders To Escape Is A Big Mistake

Allowing Leaders To Escape Is A Big Mistake

#9. Always The Right Place, And The Right Time

Genghis Khan was the master of one of the vital war rules: choosing the proper time and location to combat his opponents. The Mongolian leader carefully avoided fighting an opponent until he was convinced of the situation. And he would not start an assault till then.

#9. Always The Right Place, And The Right Time

#9. Always The Right Place, And The Right Time


The Mongolian armies would occasionally be split into units under Genghis Khan’s skillful leadership to avoid an inappropriate battlefield. But if the time was perfect to deliver the last blow, they would come together. This would often take the form of an attack of surprise, which would overwhelm the opponent fast.



#8. Take the flanks

The most straightforward method to fight a war is to carry the enemy army headlong. However, Genghis Khan had in his arsenal a variety of clever techniques. The flanking movement was one rule. Some of his soldiers were there to avoid the enemy core. Instead, they would roll around a rival army’s flanks.

#8. Take The Flanks

#8. Take The Flanks

The Best Tactic

Genghis Khan might encircle an enemy army in this fashion. This approach can also be paired with a planned retreat. So the Mongolians could strike in the sides and from the rear whenever the enemy moved in pursuit. Then the Mongols who were in retreat might turn around and attack the front. Genghis Khan regularly defeated superior-numbered army forces using similar methods.

The Best Tactic

The Best Tactic

#7. Win sieges with engineering

Genghis Khan was given a completely new battlefield challenge by Afortified City. Hidden behind lofty fights, if an adversary had sufficient supplies in its citadel, he might last longer. Genghis Khan could not feel safe in the region he invaded unless such a fortress was defeated. So what has he done? So what?

#7. Win Sieges With Engineering

#7. Win Sieges With Engineering

Skill Is Everything!

He ensured that the Mongolian army included engineers and experts in the battle of siege. Many of the talented warriors who had Genghis Khan captured were from Chinese and Muslim countries. They employed gunpowder and enormous catapults, throwing rocks against castle walls, artillery, and even smashing rockets.

Skill Is Everything!

Skill Is Everything!

#6. Always Divide Your Enemy

Often Genghis Khan won through pure armed power. But when they made victory easier, he was not unwilling to utilize diplomacy or deception. For instance? Whenever they saw the chance, the Mongolians exacerbated the hatred amongst their adversaries’ many groups.

#6. Always Divide Your Enemy

#6. Always Divide Your Enemy

The Book Of The Mongol Art Of War

Timothy May cited in his book The Mongol Art of War the words of Jean de Joinville, a French architect from the 13th century. The latter wrote, “When the Mongols want to battle against the Saracens, they will send Christians against them, and in all the wars against Christians, they will use Saracens.” Just how Genghis Khan crippled his foes with his advantage of pre-existing bad blood.

The Book Of The Mongol Art Of War

The Book Of The Mongol Art Of War

#5. Always Move Fast

For Genghis Khan and his horde movement was one of the main components of success. They could travel at tremendous speed across long distances with their tough horses. This allowed them to confound or surprise their opponents. It was stated that such fast military mobility was again observed until the introduction of motorized forces in the 20th century.

#5. Always Move Fast

#5. Always Move Fast

Practice Makes Perfect

Encyclopedia of world history indicates that occasionally Genghis Khan forced Mongolian troops to traverse 75 kilometers a day. Soldiers were given up to sixteen replacement mounts to make sure that they could maintain this fast pace. This excellent mobility meant that they could traverse long distances fast. However, it also meant that they could operate on the battlefield with lethal rapidity.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

#4. Gather Smart Information

Until he made meticulous preparations, Genghis Khan did not lead his soldiers into combat. HistoryNet.com adds that the collection of intelligence is a vital aspect in this pre-attack preparation. Of course, the number of soldiers the general has at his disposal was crucial; therefore, the first step was to count the troops available.

#4. Gather Smart Information

#4. Gather Smart Information

Going Undercover

Then the Mongols learned what their opponent could do. Disguised operatives as religious men or businessmen would penetrate enemy territory to collect intelligence. They would also pick up possible turning robes that may defect the cause of the Mongol. And as the forces of Genghis Khan began to advance, the spies would proclaim the land’s falsehood. There’s been nothing left to chance!

Going Undercover

Going Undercover

#3. Maximise And Use All Weapons

The dense cloud of arrows that the Mongol soldiers could unleash must have frightened their foes’ hearts. However, Genghis Khan’s bow included additional cords. Or, more specifically, his men possessed a wide array of other awful weaponry.

#3. Maximise And Use All Weapons

#3. Maximise And Use All Weapons

The Brutal Use Of Resources

In Modern Day Iran, take 1221 Nishapur Siege. When the Mongols assaulted it, they had 300 ballistae, giant catapults capable of lancing opposing pitchers or spears. The Mongols had three thousand strong crossbows, to excellent measure. What happened? – What happened? In just three days, the assieged city capitulated, and all its people were slaughtered.

The Brutal Use Of Resources

The Brutal Use Of Resources

#2. Commandeer enemy technology

Adaptation was one of the primary assets of Genghis Khan, and indeed he was not too proud to utilize his opponents’ technologies. At the beginning of their expeditions, the Mongols’ weapons were quite rudimentary. However, more modern military technology and even combat techniques were absorbed when an additional country was captured by the military.

#2. Commandeer Enemy Technology

#2. Commandeer Enemy Technology

Mongols could now also deploy the heavy variant to good effect…

As the Mongols came to Western Asia, they robbed their horses of steel helmets, chains, breastplates, and armor. This meant the Mongols could now use the heavier version to considerable success and their conventional light cavalry. Smart!

Mongols Could Now Also Deploy The Heavy Variant To Good Effect.

Mongols Could Now Also Deploy The Heavy Variant To Good Effect.

#1. Great Horsemanship

Horses were essential to the culture of the Mongols. They were a significant factor for their combat success. Horsemanship was so necessary that even a law said that all kids had to learn to ride. Therefore it was so usual for the army of Genghis Khan to go on horseback. The Mongols used one fundamental innovation as well: the metal stirrup.

#1. Great Horsemanship

#1. Great Horsemanship

The Stirrup

It remains a mystery when and when the stirrup was developed, but the Mongols undoubtedly used it in its fullness. Stirrup riding meant that a guerrilla could stay with both hands-frees on his riding horse. And he could shoot arrows as he was rolling at speed. This terrible martial talent helped the Mongolians win so many battles.

The Stirrup

The Stirrup

Life As A Mongol Warrior

Life wasn’t easy being a Mongol warrior, so… far from it! In this sense, not just Genghis’ men have been compelled into a strict code from history. For instance, take the Freemasons. For decades their secret rituals have been carefully enforced – until now. There are 40 of the scariest, fascinating, and absolutely odd rules that must be followed by members of the secretive organization.

Life As A Mongol Warrior

Life As A Mongol Warrior

40. Don’t sit in the east unless you’ve been asked to do so

Do you remember how some high school cliques would consistently occupy the same lunch seats? Well, in Freemason lodges, something similar happens. The person serving as “Adorable Master” is located in the east part of the room. There is no other member in this area until they are requested to be there. There, too, can sit former Worshipful Masters. In principle, it’s like joining the fabulous children’s table.

40. Don’t Sit In The East Unless You’ve Been Asked To Do So

40. Don’t Sit In The East Unless You’ve Been Asked To Do So

39. You Must Believe In God

You probably won’t get a position in your local lodge if you are an out-of-the-box atheist — if you acknowledge it, though. Why? You must believe in a “Supreme Being” to become a Freemason. This is essentially God. This is God. And even if you’re not very devout, you at least have to pay lip service to become a member.

39. You Must Believe In God

39. You Must Believe In God

38. Don’t speak without permission

Would you characterize your closest and dearest a blabbermouth? Well, your language is better to practice. You know, Freemasons have to be quiet when they talk about “degrees.” Only the Adorable Master can allow you to speak in these cases. Oh, whispers are also off the menu.

38. Don’t Speak Without Permission

38. Don’t Speak Without Permission

37. There are specific greeting rituals

While the laws and rituals of most freemasons are covered with mysteries, for years, a specific peculiarity has been discussed and frequently ridiculed. Yes, this is the secret handshake we are referring to. But not just there is one! It’s all about your position in the organization, as you should utilize the greeting changes when ascending. This is only one technique for individuals to identify outside gatherings.

37. There Are Specific Greeting Rituals

37. There Are Specific Greeting Rituals

36. Don’t turn your back on the Worshipful Master

The adoring Master is the de facto leader of a Freemason lodge, as you can undoubtedly assume by the title. It indicates that the respect he deserves must be accorded. Members must thus confront the Adorable Master before they speak to the room. Don’t turn away from him since it’s a tremendous no-no.

36. Don’t Turn Your Back On The Worshipful Master

36. Don’t Turn Your Back On The Worshipful Master

35. Don’t talk politics

You undoubtedly heard of Freemasons, who think up strategies to operate the globe in the conspiracy beliefs. Is it true? Is this true? Okay, no, no. Although members may talk about politics in their everyday life – especially if they are, if you know, the president or a member of congress – these issues within the lodges themselves are totally prohibited. Sorry, the illusion is shattering!

35. Don’t Talk Politics

35. Don’t Talk Politics

34. Leave outside quarrels behind

There’s no space for bad blood among the Fried Masons. We don’t always get along with everybody we meet. Yeah, they cannot take the argument over to the lodge if two members fall out. Every illness must be left at the door, as it could cause disturbances.

34. Leave Outside Quarrels Behind

34. Leave Outside Quarrels Behind

33. You must vote when necessary

Voting is an essential element of being a freemason since it contributes to keeping the lodges under pressure. But if you don’t, what happens? Well, as stated by the Masonic Education Lodge, “a brother who won’t vote is unwilling because he is skewing voting. In a strong chain, it becomes the weak link.” Callous words.

33. You Must Vote When Necessary

33. You Must Vote When Necessary

32. Any kind of excess is off the table

Some of your life elements may have to alter if you become a freemason. So if during your free time you love having a few beers, that’s all right – but more than a few run the risk of breaking down the cardinal temperance virtue of freemasons. It will, of course, be frustrated that illicit medicines are abused.

32. Any Kind Of Excess Is Off The Table

32. Any Kind Of Excess Is Off The Table

31. Don’t take advantage of the group

A freemason called Michael underlined when talking to the BBC in 2018 that this group is not designed to influence you excessively. He added, ““We come from all walks of life and professions, but it becomes a network. [However], the network is not to be used for your own personal benefit. That is something they stress.””

31. Don’t Take Advantage Of The Group

31. Don’t Take Advantage Of The Group

30. You shouldn’t turn down requests

You realize there’s a little courtesy, right? And in the Freemasons, that’s just as true. It is in their best interests to follow whenever a Member is requested to accomplish something. According to the Masonic Education Lodge, such requests are a sign of “confidence,” so do not dismiss them.

30. You Shouldn’t Turn Down Requests

30. You Shouldn’t Turn Down Requests

29. Always salute the Worshipful Master

Greetings are not only for the military because they have comparable greetings from the freemasons. When they enter their lodges, members are supposed to greet the Venerable Master and once they leave again. This formality does not require all clubs, please.

29. Always Salute The Worshipful Master

29. Always Salute The Worshipful Master

28. Slander will get you in trouble

You may get into boiling water with slanderous statements – as anyone who has been sued for them will know. This also applies to the Freemasons since members can be arrested and punished for all sorts of defamatory comments. So it’s best to monitor what you say carefully.

28. Slander Will Get You In Trouble

28. Slander Will Get You In Trouble

27. Obey The Gavel

We all know the gavel’s strength, right? This primary instrument has helped to pass significant decisions over the ages. In Freemason lodges, it’s pretty much the same. The Worshipful Master has his own hammer in the chair, and once they have it, members have to conclude their conversation.

Obey The Gabel

Obey The Gabel

26. Leave Superstition Outside The Door

Do you think you are a superstitious person? If so, you may not be organized by the Freemasons. They seem to reject such thinking in the lodges. And this is not only what we say, either. The one and only Theodore Roosevelt – who was himself a Mason – has confirmed this stance in the past.

26. Leave Superstition Outside The Door

26. Leave Superstition Outside The Door

25. Do Not Leave During A Ballot

Freemason lodges have a reasonable proportion of votes, but the members must comply with the same regulations. You cannot merely stand up and walk away, for example, at the beginning of a vote. Once the procedure starts, anyone outside will not be permitted inside the chamber. So be aware of this when you arrange the daily schedule since it is not an excellent excuse to scram children from soccer practice.

25. Do Not Leave During The Ballot

25. Do Not Leave During The Ballot

24. Do Not Break The Rules Outside

You may get back and relax, knowing that you no longer need to abide by so many regulations after your day at work or school has ended. With the Freemasons, though, it’s a bit different. Members should remain in the Masonic Law after they leave their lodges. Otherwise, civilians may report them to their superiors outside the organization. Thus, insiders should be relatively easy to spot in theory.

24. Do Not Break The Rules Outside

24. Do Not Break The Rules Outside

23. No Smoking In The Lodge

You certainly should take this point on board if you simply have become a freemason and like the odd smoke. “It is regarded highly irresponsible to smoke in most lodging rooms, as stated in the Masonic Lodge of Education.” Better light outdoors, even if you are kept indoors by the regulations in your city.

23. No Smoking In The Lodge

23. No Smoking In The Lodge

22. No Practical Jokes

Freemasons may not strategize how to seize the world, but their lodges remain extremely serious. This means that at Masonic meetings, practical jokes are on the table. And we can picture simply how the adorable Master would respond when he started an essential lodge business to sit on a whoopee cussion.

22. No Practical Jokes

22. No Practical Jokes

21. Trials Can Take Place

Yes, proceedings are held in lodges when persons are charged with breaking the Masonic Law. And then, everybody in the building must join a fortune-telling jury. However, lawyers don’t participate. The trial man and his accuser are, instead, the defendant and prosecutor. The procedure is interesting, right?

21. Trials Can Take Place

21. Trials Can Take Place

20. Turn Off Phones

It is not good to always keep your mobile phone. Moviegoers are probably just thinking about it! It’s the same thing in the lodges of Freemason. The Masonic Lodge of Education says that they must turn their phones off when members arrive to diminish any dirty look.

20. Turn Off Phones

20. Turn Off Phones

19. Curiosity Isn’t Enough To Join

It is relatively simple to comprehend the conditions for becoming a Freemason. But other factors have to be considered. To begin with, a “favorable opinion” must be displayed to the organization. No haters are permitted in principle. And most all, what the members do behind closed doors is not merely “interesting.” That alone is not sufficient to get a place at a lodge.

19. Curiosity Isn’t Enough To Join

19. Curiosity Isn’t Enough To Join

18. You Need To Stand Up When You Talk

Remember when your instructors had brought you up to read something before the class? That was awful, okay? Well, if they want to discuss it in the lodge, Freemasons must experience it again. Members cannot just remain in their seats, as they would have been considered a disregard for the Master of worship.

18. You Need To Stand Up When You Talk

18. You Need To Stand Up When You Talk

17. Secrets Should Remain As Secrets

The Freemasons are a well-known secret society, and they wish to maintain it like this. So, what if members share lodge procedures tidbits? Sometimes, rather severe penalties. And if you’re not going to risk being expelled from the lodge – or worse – you’re supposed to remain schtum.

17. Secrets Should Remain As Secrets

17. Secrets Should Remain As Secrets

16. Don’t Walk Between The Worshipful Master And The Altar

It’s always nice to take your environment into consideration. You can prevent embarrassing false steps in that way. This is also true of Masons. For one, crossing the divide between the altar and the Master of Adoration is a significant no-no. “[Members] shouldn’t be shadowed during the initiation and degree stages,” the Mason Lodge of Education notes.

16. Don’t Walk Between The Worshipful Master And The Altar

16. Don’t Walk Between The Worshipful Master And The Altar

15. Sponsors Are Required To Join

We know what you think: shouldn’t a form suffice to join a Freemason? Well, straight up, we can tell you it’s not. If you want to have a chance, you have to secure support from two lodge members. Their sponsorship may be the difference between the entrance and the cold.

15. Sponsors Are Required To Join

15. Sponsors Are Required To Join

14. Discussing Religion Is Forbidden

Surprisingly, while Freemasons must believe in God to be part of the society, religious talks within lodges are actually prohibited. The higher-ups apparently hesitate to declare that diverse monotheistic beliefs are superior or inferior to one another.

14. Discussing Religion Is Forbidden

14. Discussing Religion Is Forbidden

13. Avoid ‘Off-Color’ Stories

A good tale might sometimes contribute to a specific stuffy room’s ambiance. However, don’t attempt it at a Francmason meeting, warns the Masonic Education Lodge. This is particularly the case if the narrative has “off-color.” Confide in us: you will not enjoy it.

13. Avoid ‘off Color’ Stories

13. Avoid ‘off Color’ Stories

12. Outside Status Doesn’t Matter

Status is all for some individuals. But socioeconomic status does not matter with the Freemasons. You will be viewed in the same regard as a chief executive if you are a blue-collar minimum salary worker, provided that your ranking in the lodge is the same. You won’t even boast about your fortune.

12. Outside Status Doesn’t Matter

12. Outside Status Doesn’t Matter

11. Always Use Masonic Names

It’s not that tough to remember a person’s name, right? How about the title of your job? That’s a bit harder. However, all of the water off the back of a duck is presumably for Freemasons who have had to remain sharp. You should employ accurate maçonnic titles in discussions according to the Masonic Lodge of Education. Therefore it’s essential to have them all in one’s mind.

11. Always Use Masonic Names

11. Always Use Masonic Names

10. Do Not Forget To Always Wear Your Apron

Freemason lodges have their own dress codes, like other clubs exclusively for members. This includes aprons that are one of the organization’s most recognized characteristics. However, masons have to be careful, as they cannot go into the chamber while adapting their equipment. It is viewed as uncourteous, evidently.

10. Do Not Forget To Always Wear Your Apron

10. Do Not Forget To Always Wear Your Apron

9. Be Open To Charity

You may see something about their humanitarian work while reading about Freemasons. And sure, for excellent reasons, members do lots. Grand Master Gareth Jones of WalesOnline said in 2019, “[The Freemasons] are an organization which helps and supports charitable groups a lot.” In 2019, he said. Maybe they aren’t, after all, that evil!

9. Be Open To Charity

9. Be Open To Charity

8. Arguments Are Not Allowed Inside The Lodge

There is a strong possibility an argument will break out if you are stuck with a massive group of individuals for a time. Okay, does it happen? But in Freemason lodges, verbal sparring is strictly prohibited. After all, naming and slanging bouts may increase the anger of the other members who just want to do business.

8. Arguments Are Not Allowed Inside The Lodge

8. Arguments Are Not Allowed Inside The Lodge

7. Maintain Good Posture

Ever been told off by your mom for slouching? Perhaps you’re going to be an excellent Mason! You see, members should sit directly in the lodges. Apparently, a bad posture is regarded as a sign of disrespect. It could lead to a severe conversation if spotted.

7. Maintain Good Posture

7. Maintain Good Posture

6. Be Prepare For Punishments

You must be prepared to accept a penalty for all unlawful actions when you join a Freemason. You wouldn’t say, seems reasonable enough? But the harshness of this discipline has remained rumored. For example, individuals who in the past gave away their secrets risked losing their tongues or their hearts. However, there is no proof that this indeed happened. Phew.

6. Be Prepare For Punishments

6. Be Prepare For Punishments

5. Never Use Masonic Titles When Sending Mail

Were you aware that the lodges of Freemason have their own secretaries? And they have their own set of regulations to comply with. “No account should be included on a Masonic rank, the name and the address on the envelope that is sent via [mail],” according to Masonic Province of East Lancashire Lodge Secretary’s Handbook.

5. Never Use Masonic Titles When Sending Mail

5. Never Use Masonic Titles When Sending Mail

4. Wearing Masonic Jewelry Outside Is Not Allowed

In addition to these aprons, freemasons can also wear unique gemstones in lodges. You must remember that for other outdoor activities, these eye-catching rings and pins cannot be utilized. This is a huge no-no — maybe because these things make you a mason for people you know.

4. Wearing Masonic Jewelry Outside Is Not Allowed

4. Wearing Masonic Jewelry Outside Is Not Allowed

3. You Should Roll Up Your Pant Leg During Initiation

Provincial Grand Master Gareth Jones spread the bovines over a specific odd freemason custom when talking to WalesOnline. He said, “Why do we roll up our [pant] leg when we are getting initiated? There’s a good reason. It is meant to demonstrate that you’re a free man, that you’re not wearing a shackle.”

3. You Should Roll Up Your Pant Leg During Initiation

3. You Should Roll Up Your Pant Leg During Initiation

2. Do Not Correct Mistakes

From time to time, we all make errors. They’re also prone to erring because Freemasons are just human. However, don’t be tempted to correct anyone inside the Lodge. The Masonic Lodge of Education states that only the Master or his appointed substitute can step in if a person commits a verbal error.

2. Do Not Correct Mistakes

2. Do Not Correct Mistakes

1. Be Prepared For A Symbolic ‘Death’

You must apparently become a frank mason before you take part in a pretty frightening ritual. Briefly, all potential members must “die.” However, don’t worry, it’s literal! A rope is thrown over your throat while your eyes are veiled during the initiation ritual. Then your chest is pulled to a sword. You have effectively returned to the group from there. It isn’t as frightening as it sounds.

1. Be Prepared For A Symbolic ‘Death’

1. Be Prepared For A Symbolic ‘Death’