Nadya “Octomom” Suleman: Where Is She Now?

Published on 12/10/2021

Nadya Suleman, often known as “Octomom,” made news in 2009 when she became pregnant and gave birth to the most children in a single pregnancy – eight! Throughout the pregnancy in question, Nadya Suleman and her doctor made uneasy decisions and accepted certain risks, which made them contentious and drew widespread attention. Despite this, the people lavished them with love and support. Her huge family, on the other hand, seems to have piqued America’s interest. Find out more about Nadya Suleman and her many children, as well as how she became Octomom and what keeps The Sulemans busy these days.

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Find Out What Octomom And Her Kids Have Been Up To These Days

A Big Family

Nadya Suleman had always wanted for her own large family; as an only child, she yearned for the emotional connection she missed. Nadya’s main ambition was to create a family and form a bond with her future children. She had no clue that her strong desire to start a large, stable family would put her in precarious situations and force her to make life-altering decisions. Despite this, a miracle occurred as a result of her steadfast drive to achieve her goal, which was witnessed by the entire globe.

A Big Family

A Big Family

Becoming a Mother

Nadya Suleman started out on a journey to accomplish her adult dream of starting a family after graduating from a California high school. Nadya had planned to attend college like her peers, but she believed that becoming a mother was the most essential thing she could do. She was still pretty young when she finally got what she had always desired — and it was a big deal (some even suggested she was too green for the world). Everyone should be cautious when it comes to wishing for anything.

Becoming a Mother

Becoming a Mother

Nadya’s First Love

Nadya Suleman met Marcos Gutierrez, the produce manager, not long before she turned 21. He needed to be charismatic because she felt an instant bond with him that grew deeper and more meaningful over time. Gutierrez was also extremely honest with Nadya about her desire to start a family. Gutierrez, like Nadya, desired children and was in love with her, but fate had other plans.

Nadya's First Love

Nadya’s First Love

A Risky Occupation

Nadya married Marcos Gutierrez in 1996, the same year she received her mental technician license from Mt. San Antonio College. She also started working at Metropolitan State Hospital, a psychiatric institution in Norwalk, California. It was a rewarding job, but it was also challenging and risky. Nadya’s primary objective was to start a family, but she also desired to work in a rewarding environment. However, at her workplace, an awful event occurred, and her life became a roller-coaster ride as a result.

A Risky Occupation

A Risky Occupation

Tragedy Strikes

On September 18th, 1999, Nadya Suleman was working in a psychiatric facility when she was caught in the middle of a horrific event. Due to the presence of twenty patients, a brawl broke out at the facility, and Nadya attempted to intervene right away. Unfortunately, one of the female patients tossed a wooden desk into the air, inflicting a ruptured disc injury in Nadya’s back. Nadya was awarded $170,000 in workers’ compensation, but the money only helped her get by for a short time and was the least of her problems.

Tragedy Strikes

Tragedy Strikes

A Goal Delayed

Nadya’s workplace injuries caused her not only bodily but also emotional distress. Despite the fact that the compensation she received helped her deal with these problems, she was dealing with a more critical problem at the time. Despite her husband’s best efforts, Nadya was still having trouble fulfilling her lifelong dream following the disaster. They’d been trying for three years to help Nadya realize her dream of becoming a mother, but they’d always come up short.

A Goal Delayed

A Goal Delayed

Harsh Truth

The couple decided to contact numerous professionals to figure out what was wrong, and as a result of their consultations, they were able to gather a wealth of information and suggestions on how to become pregnant. Nadya and her husband were desperate for a child, so they meticulously followed every instruction they were given, but despite their efforts, they were unable to conceive. After failing every time, Nadya lost hope in conceiving and became depressed as a result. Then they realized the awful truth: Marcos Gutierrez was infertile, despite their flawless techniques. Because they were unable to imagine things in their natural condition, other possibilities should be considered.

Harsh Truth

Harsh Truth

The Limit

Nadya brought up the subject because she was yearning for children and thought that other methods should be tried because the traditional approach had failed, but Marcos was adamantly opposed. Their differing perspectives caused a rift in their relationship, but her offer of IVF sent him over the brink (in vitro fertilization). In this medical technique, an egg cell is fertilized outside of the body and then implanted into a woman’s uterus. If Nadya went ahead with the therapy, Marcos clearly warned her that he would abandon her.

The Limit

The Limit

A Difficult Choice

Nadya had to choose between her love for Marcos and the possibility of having children, or her greatest dream of becoming a mother while losing her husband. Finally, Nadya decided to fulfill her long-held dream and take a significant risk. Nadya divorced in the year 2000, notwithstanding how difficult it was for her. Nadya decided to try IVF to start the family she had always wanted now that her ex-husband was no longer in the picture, but things didn’t go as planned…

A Difficult Choice

A Difficult Choice

There’s No Such Thing as Free Lunch

Although IVF (in vitro fertilization) is not difficult, it does have a low success rate and is costly. Nadya, on the other hand, was not deterred in the least by these circumstances, as she had become bored of failing by this time. In addition, most doctors recommend fertilizing a large number of eggs to increase the chances of successful fertilization. As a result of the treatment, Nadya was exposed to a significant increase in danger, but would she accept it?

There's No Such Thing As Free Lunch

There’s No Such Thing As Free Lunch

Worth It

Nadya Suleman had to consider one important consideration before beginning IVF treatment: the possibility of having several infants during the pregnancy due to the potential that all of the multiple fertilized eggs implanted would survive. Of course, this raises the risk of pregnancy, but Nadya was determined to start her own family, and her motto appears to be “the more, the merrier.” Despite this, some people believed Nadya should have been concerned about being pregnant with multiple children at the same time, even if it was only a minor concern. In hindsight, it’s possible to argue that the conclusion could have gone either way.

Worth It

Worth It

Welcome to This World, Elijah!

Many people do not consider carrying multiple kids during pregnancy to be a risk, especially if they want twins or triplets. The IVF procedure was a big success, even though Nadya had given up hope of having twins or triplets. It was a huge success, and in 2001, Nadya gave birth to her first child, a beautiful baby boy named Elijah. After all of her efforts, Nadya had finally achieved her goal, but she wasn’t through yet; she was just getting started.

Welcome to This World, Elijah!

Welcome to This World, Elijah!

Babies, Babies, And More Babies!

A year after giving birth to Elijah, Nadya gave birth to another IVF baby, a daughter named Amerah. Nadya’s desire for children is not satisfied by having two, as it is for many other people. Her positive IVF experience fueled her desire for additional children and inspired her to explore alternative options. She had fraternal twins and two more children, increasing her total to six! Despite the notion that six children are more than plenty in places like the United States, Nadya felt compelled to have even more after the birth of her sixth kid.

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Babies, Babies, And More Babies!

An Extreme Decision

Nadya Suleman’s next move astounded the world, and her decision catapulted her to celebrity status overnight in 2008. Since she was unhappy with her six children, she returned to Dr. Michael Kamrava, who had done all of her IVF treatments. She wanted to try IVF again, but this time she decided to implant all six of her previously unused eggs to prevent wasting them. Nadya, a pro-life advocate, pleaded with Dr. Kamrava to do everything she could, but the story didn’t end there.

An Extreme Decision

An Extreme Decision

More Babies?

Dr. Kamrava was initially hesitant to accept since he was aware of the significant risk that six eggs implanted at the same time could provide to the mother. Despite the fact that Nadya was aware that she could be pregnant with a large number of children, he stated he implanted all six eggs because she insisted. Dr. Kamrava implanted a total of twelve eggs, much above the recommended number! It was unavoidable that such a massive threat would have consequences.

More Babies?

More Babies?

Eight Babies on The Way

Dr. Kamrava and Nadya Suleman made a risky and unprecedented move by implanting twelve embryos, defying standard medical procedure. Nadya Suleman, however, has no regrets. Others might have been terrified, but Nadya was giddy with joy. They were able to implant eight embryos at once, and she gave birth to eight children as a result. However, not everything a person desires is possible, so Nadya had to consider whether she could have eight children after already having six.

Eight Babies on the Way

Eight Babies on the Way

Mother Of Eight – Octomom!

Nadya’s body was put under a lot of strain by being pregnant to term with eight babies, especially since one is difficult enough and eight is significantly more than the average. Nadya and her children became celebrities after her story was picked up by the media. Octomom’s celebrity reputation was earned for a reason: around this time, Nadya had a world-record-breaking pregnancy. Although not all single mothers in California make the news, Octomom’s celebrity status was earned for a reason: Nadya had a world-record-breaking pregnancy.

Mother of Eight - Octomom!

Mother Of Eight – Octomom!

Childbirth Success

Nadya Suleman, the Octomom, was going to face the reality of her situation: it was time to give birth to her children. Fortunately, all eight of her children arrived safely and without incident, which must have been a huge relief for her. It was a breathtaking spectacle to behold, with the entire world watching because nothing like Nadya’s case had ever occurred before, and it will go down in history. No other set of octuplets has ever been born alive and survived for more than a week after delivery before Nadya’s octuplets.

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Childbirth Success

All Eyes On Her

Nadya was only interested in seeing and holding her new children at the time, and she couldn’t wait for her six older children to meet their new smaller siblings, but the rest of the world was watching her, unsure of her ability to handle the situation. Her incredible story became so well-known that everyone was curious to learn more, especially those in the medical field. Nadya and her octuplets had done an incredible job with their pregnancy, and several professionals tried to meet with her soon after they were born. People asked her a lot of questions and expected her to answer them.

All Eyes on Her

All Eyes On Her

Her Growing Fame

Before her octuplets were born, Nadya had already become a media sensation, with news networks, websites, and newspapers all covering her unusual pregnancy. People began to recognize her, and almost everyone knew her as Octomom, even if they didn’t know her real name. Nadya wanted to preserve control of the story and the various reports about her, and she considered using the attention to assist financially support her large family. She enlisted the help of a public relations team following the birth of her octuplets in the hopes of being able to control the story that was told to the public, but this proved to be a difficult task.

Her Growing Fame

Her Growing Fame

A Pubic Persona

Nadya received the same amount of media attention after giving birth to her octuplets, resulting in a flood of adversaries accusing her of seeking attention and even claiming that this was the underlying reason she wanted to have all of her children despite the risks she took. Meanwhile, Nadya was preoccupied with adjusting to her new public persona while also caring for fourteen children! She discovered that dealing with her celebrity became increasingly difficult over time. Californians accused Nadya of squandering taxpayer funds and encapsulating practically everything wrong with modern America, and she was even threatened!

A Public Persona

A Public Persona

Too Much

Despite the negative press, a number of people continued to support Nadya and her children, even though the media spotlight eventually became too much for her. Nadya chose to talk about her problems after she realized she hadn’t achieved her goal of getting ahead of the tale. In an interview with People magazine, she expressed her unhappiness with the caricatures made of her. “I don’t get much sleep, about two or three hours a night. But I’m continuing to move forward with my life and trying to be the best mother I can be,” she explained. However, Nadya’s attitude toward the attention she received caused a lot of people to be wary of her.

Too Much

Too Much

A Grim Situation

Nadya Suleman was still the subject of considerable suspicion years after giving birth to her children, and despite the fact that many Americans liked her and her several children, her opponents did not back down and continued to voice their concerns. Unfortunately, this began to impede her ability to parent her children, and various reports stated that she was in terrible health and at her wit’s end. She may have felt alone despite having 14 children because she felt like she was up against the world. Despite the fact that she was dealing with a separate predicament that government assistance couldn’t solve, Nadya struggled to raise her 14 children and had no choice but to accept government help.

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A Grim Situation

Problems At Home

There were suspicions that Nadya was abusing her children during her time in the spotlight. It made sense because being a single mother with 14 kids must be difficult, and meeting all of their needs must take a lot of time and effort. Child Protective Services looked into the situation. They looked into if Nadya was truly neglecting her children. Despite this, they found no evidence of mistreatment when they visited her home and concluded that the complaints were false, even suggesting that her home was suitable for children.

Problems at Home

Problems At Home

Forced to Move Out

Sadly, despite what Child Protective Services reported, someone with true influence over Nadya’s life disagreed that her home was suitable for her children. Her landlord was not pleased with the idea and informed Nadya that she had violated her lease agreement. Before evicting Nadya and her 14 children, he alerted the public about their situation. Nadya only wanted to be a good mother to her children, but they were about to become homeless, so she moved quickly.

Forced to Move Out

Forced to Move Out

Dire Situation

Nothing worked to persuade Nadya’s landlord to change his mind, and she and her 14 children were forced to depart! Despite her bad press and caricatures in the media, Nadya Suleman had always been a devoted mother to her children, and she claimed that this was the real her. The problem was that she didn’t have enough money to keep herself and her kids off the streets. Because she needed money quickly, Nadya tried her hand in the movie industry, many businesses, and even the music industry.

Dire Situation

Dire Situation

Starting Anew

Being in the public eye is extremely stressful, and Nadya Suleman eventually succumbed to it. When she realized what was going on, she decided to start again and let go of everything. She made it a point to grow up and become someone who was far removed from the stereotypes that had developed around her. She realized that changing her life would allow her to be a better mother to her children and live a happier life, which is why, after she made the decision, she was able to completely remodel her life. She first went by the name Natalie, then obtained a college diploma, began working, and is currently employed as a part-time family therapist.

Starting Anew

Starting Anew

The Solomon Family

Nadya Suleman’s octuplets are now nine years old and doing well. They appear to enjoy their vegan diet, yet it must be difficult for toddlers who fantasize about eating candies and chocolates. Natalie (formerly Nadya) stated that her children are aware of her journey because she believes that being open and honest with them is beneficial to them. She believes that everything that has happened to her has worked out in the end, including her strange relationship with the media. Furthermore, as evidenced by her Instagram followers, Nadya believes that the way she and her family live now is the best way to achieve the goal of a healthy household.

The Solomon Family

The Solomon Family

Her Guardian Angel

Natalie Suleman’s life is going well now that she’s in her forties, and she’s given up her previous dubious employment. When asked why she decided to change, she said she met her “guardian angel” in February 2013, who gave her the strength to stop living a “seedy” lifestyle. Natalie claimed that she was approached by a very tall man inside a Florida bar while still in the film profession, and the following happened: “He walked straight to me and looked straight into my eyes. He took my hand and grabbed my arm and said in a very gentle, but firm way: ‘You don’t have to do this.’ He repeated it several times.” Natalie believed the scenario was very tough, and tears continued to flow, but she claimed that her new life began at that point.

Her Guardian Angel

Her Guardian Angel

Looking Back

Natalie Suleman underwent a dramatic life transition in 2013, confessing that she had been “foolish, immature, and selfish” for having so many children without thinking about it in the past. She also indicated that she did not consider the long-term consequences of her choices at the time, but that she had no regrets. Natalie continues to focus her efforts on her children because they are her first priority. She’s stated that she’s content with her single life and has no desire to find love. On her social media account, people can see the kind of life she is living now with her family, as well as the amazing teachings and values she instills in her fourteen children.

Looking Back

Looking Back

A Humble Life

Natalie Suleman looks to be successful in her quest to raise fourteen children. Her family receives food stamps and lives paycheck to paycheck, and she rents a two-bedroom apartment. Natalie told the Daily Mail that she now feels “at peace” after all of the issues she’s had raising so many children on her own, partly because she can use her story to encourage and inspire other women to make wise decisions. Natalie doesn’t even like being called “Octomom” anymore, and she said, “I didn’t want to live. I felt less than human as that character I was pretending to be, to survive and provide for my family.”

A Humble Life

A Humble Life

No Social Life

Natalie Suleman, a mother of 14, is much happier these days as she enjoys life and spends quality time with her youngest children, the octuplets Nariya, Noah, Makai, Maliyah, Isaiah, Josiah, Jeremiah, and Jonah, as well as all of her older children: Caleb and Calyssa, 11 years old, Aiden, 12 years old, Joshua, 16 years old, Amerah, and 17 years old. Natalie made the decision to return to Laguna, California, in order to give her children a more secure life. Her desire to be a good mother to her children was stated. Talking to Daily Mail, she said, “I was forced into doing things I didn’t want to do because I was so terrified I couldn’t support them and give them the life they deserved.”

No Social Life

No Social Life

A Normal Family

Natalie Suleman is a hands-on mother who has chosen to forego her social life entirely, resulting in a close relationship between her and each of her children. She said to the Daily Mail, “They fight, play, fight and play again like any normal family.” Natalie faces a new challenge because of Aiden’s autism, but her children are unfazed and continue to look after him. Despite Natalie’s best efforts to teach her children that being different is okay and that there is nothing wrong with it, all 14 Suleman children are aware that their homes are not like other American families.

A Normal Family

A Normal Family

Fun During Holidays

Natalie Suleman and her family don’t have it easy, but they’re a happy family, and she instills great values in her children, such as being content with only one Christmas present. “I’m focusing on raising the kids to focus on serving other people, to get out of their own head,” she told US Weekly. Natalie believes that by doing so, she is teaching her children the value of appreciating what they have and not expecting anything for free in life, implying that they should work hard to achieve their goals. Natalie’s financial situation, in addition to these concerns, prevents her from living a lavish holiday lifestyle, so she keeps things simple.

Fun During the Holidays

Fun During the Holidays


As a mother of fourteen children, Natalie must be under a lot of strain right now! For a parent with one or two children, the first week of school is stressful enough. The 43-year-old woman aired her concerns on social media with a photo of her octuplets smiling for the camera before heading for school. Natalie captioned the photo, “Any other parents exceptionally stressed and overwhelmed by the first week back to school?” Despite their mother’s pleadings, Natalie’s older children refused to have their pictures taken.

Going to School

Going to School

Beating Stress

Natalie has found a way to cope with the stress and pressure of having fourteen children despite her hectic schedule: she goes to the gym and spends an hour or two for herself. Her Instagram followers know this because she posted a photo of herself working out with: “I would like to share about how I cope with inordinate stress, after being asked how I stay sane lol.”Natalie also stated that jogging has always been her go-to stress reliever. She explained, “The stress literally drips off of me, as I’m drenched in the end. Being physical has significantly helped me cope with so many challenges I’ve struggled with throughout my life.”

Beating Stress

Beating Stress

Girls’ Night

Natalie Suleman is a dedicated mother who also knows how to have a good time. Natalie enjoys spending time with her friends and recording their experiences with various skincare products and face masks, including throwing a spa night for them. Natalie also keeps in touch with her sons by viewing scary movies, as she wants to offer each of them the same amount of love and care. Her children are without a doubt her top priority, and she is not ashamed to say so.

Girls' Night

Girls’ Night

Interview with Dr. Oz

Natalie Suleman was invited to tell her story on Dr. Oz in May of 2018, and she was asked how she came to have fourteen children after undergoing numerous IVF treatments. She also talked about how she went from Nadya to “Octomom” to the healthy and happy mother she is now. She detailed her journey, including what it was like, the difficulties she encountered, and even the moments she felt rushed to provide for her family. She also took advantage of the opportunity to promote her newly launched YouTube channel, which she and her children co-founded.

Interview with Dr. Oz

Interview with Dr. Oz

The Genetic Game Of Luck

Due to genetic differences, you don’t look exactly like your siblings. Like a game of chance, some offspring inherit a specific genetic trait while others do not. Natalie’s varied genetic characteristics will most likely be expressed if she has 14 children. Natalie adores all of her children and considers herself fortunate because they are all genetically different and don’t look alike. For example, two of her Octuplets, Noah and Nariyah, had very distinct features.

The Genetic Game of Luck

The Genetic Game Of Luck

Active Lifestyle

The octuplets are vegans who like to eat raw vegetables, live a healthy lifestyle, and run marathons. Natalie’s octuplets not only ran in the Russ Miller Memorial 5-kilometer race in February 2018, but they also help raise money for other charities. The kids enjoy taking part in activities that benefit others, most likely because Natalie instilled in them the importance of helping others from a young age, and it appears to be paying off. Natalie’s fans are overjoyed to learn that her children are growing more caring as they get older.

An Active Lifestyleq

An Active Lifestyle

Contemporary Heroes

The octuplets maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and are committed to their studies. The posters that the kids created for a school project are depicted in this photograph. Natalie isn’t one for bragging about her kids’ achievements. Natalie’s fans are still curious about what keeps them occupied, so she publishes photos to keep them informed and to show that anyone can raise 14 children. Unsurprisingly, Natalie’s children appreciate her work and dedication in raising them, as seen by the next surprise they have planned for her.

Contemporary Heroes

Contemporary Heroes

Handmade Cards

Natalie believes that everything she does for her children is worthwhile because they show her so much love, especially on important occasions such as Mother’s Day. Natalie photographed the gifts, handwritten dedications, and homemade cards that her children had given her on that special day. As a result of her experiences as the mother of an autistic kid (Aiden) and 13 other healthy children, Natalie was inspired to write a book, which she intends to publish one day. She explained to the Daily Mail when they interviewed her, “It’s a story that needs to be told and I think it will encourage a lot of women to draw up strength they didn’t know they had.”

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Handmade Cards


Natalie’s family has fourteen children, however, only four of them are female. They are quite close, despite their age difference, and Natalie enjoys spending time with them and bonding with them. Amerah’s birthday party features Maliah and Nariyah (9), Calyssa (11), and Amerah (16). In this photo, you can see Natalie enjoying a special moment with her daughters, as well as their striking similarity. Natalie makes an effort to spend time with each of her children separately each week, but she appreciates the times when she can be with all of them at once, which isn’t always possible.



Family Fun Night

Natalie is a firm believer in keeping family traditions alive, so the Sulemans take their Saturday family night extremely seriously. The entire family started this tradition, which they call “Family Fun Night,” because they all spend Saturday nights together despite having different activities. They occasionally play board games, watch horror movies or documentaries, or discuss other cerebral topics, but chess and watching The Shining are their favorite pastimes. Natalie’s adolescent children despise family traditions and would rather spend time with their friends, but the tradition lives on, and Natalie’s other children, especially the ten younger ones, enjoy their “Family Fun Night.”

Family Fun Night

Family Fun Night

Dressing Up

Natalie’s children are aware of their family’s uniqueness, but they embrace it and enjoy participating in school activities together. It’s reasonable that Natalie is overjoyed about her wonderful children. You can see how much the kids have grown in this shot, which was taken after they performed in a play at their Orange County school. They’re cute, don’t you think?

Dressing Up

Dressing Up

Raw Veggies

“Could we be any more vegan?” Natalie Suleman said on Instagram. Her six older children aren’t vegan, but her eight younger ones enjoy raw greens, so they regularly consume health drinks, golden or red beets, bell peppers, chard, and organic kale, as well as quinoa and sprouted lentils. The children’s delights, such as the green apple raw almond butter combination, are also vegan. Natalie grew up as an ethical vegetarian who quickly converted to a vegan lifestyle, which helped her body recover from the physical impacts of multiple pregnancies.

Raw Veggies

Raw Veggies

Complete Family

Natalie and her 14 children are notoriously difficult to photograph, so anytime they’re all together, it’s worth trying to obtain a picture of them all smiling and happy. On Instagram, Natalie posted a photo with the caption: “So THIS is what happened when we attempted to take a fun family photo with as many family members as possible. Per usual, Elijah, Amerah, and JJ are absent from the pic.” Thanks to social media, Natalie may now easily share a variety of wonderful moments like these. When we get a glimpse into her life as a single mother raising 14 children on her own, her posts become much more interesting.

Complete Family

Complete Family


Natalie came up with the idea of starting her own YouTube channel to reach a larger audience and inspire more people because she only works part-time as a counselor. In her first video, Amerah, her daughter, performed a Mother’s Day speech she wrote for her mother, which lasted six minutes. It was taken at a women’s event in Long Beach, California. The other Suleman children approached Natalie after Amerah’s speech and presented her with gifts. Natalie has gone through a lot and has decided to tell her tale on YouTube. Her kids, on the other hand, help her operate the company by filming films of fun activities, grocery shopping, vegan culinary challenges, and other creative ideas.




Natalie encourages her children to stay active and contribute even on special occasions such as Thanksgiving, so ten of them ran the Turkey Trot, a 5-kilometer family run. The fact that they wear matching t-shirts demonstrates their friendship. Natalie has a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, including the fact that her children Noah, Maliyah, Josiah, and Isaiah all won their age divisions in the race. We’re guessing Natalie’s kids ate pumpkin pies instead of turkey for Thanksgiving, which is a rare occasion for them because the majority of her kids are vegan.

