Mom Is Asked To Leave The Water Park Because Of Her Clothes, But She Refuses

Published on 11/15/2021

The joyful family outing they had planned started off well, so she was taken aback when she was treated unfairly, raged, and humiliated all on the same day. Despite the fact that the water park meals and tickets were pricey and there were many little children playing about her, none of these factors was a problem. The issue has become more serious. This woman was ordered to get out of the pool after only a few minutes in the water. She, on the other hand, was not about to give up so lightly.

Mom Is Asked To Leave The Water Park Because Of Her Clothes, But She Refuses

Mom Is Asked To Leave The Water Park Because Of Her Clothes, But She Refuses

Her Name Is Madelyn Scheaffer

Madelyn Scheaffer, from Odessa, Missouri, is a committed mother. She was the type of woman who was always concerned about her family’s well-being. However, something significant occurred in her mid-thirties, and to say it wrecked her world is an understatement!

Her Name Is Madelyn Scheaffer

Her Name Is Madelyn Scheaffer

Hard Work

Years later, some waterpark staff attempted to discredit her efforts. It would be an understatement to say that she had had a difficult time. She’d gone through it all before. As a result, for Madelyn to be so affected by what they did to her, you can guess that it was not a nice situation.

Hard Work

Hard Work

It Was Time To Make A Decision

Madelyn realized something about herself in 2005 that caused her to reassess her life choices. She had previously slipped and fallen in the bath, resulting in a slipped disc.

It Was Time To Make A Decision

It Was Time To Make A Decision

A Change

In addition, her way of life was harming her health. She finally realized she couldn’t handle it any longer and made some changes. The discomfort of a slipped disc might cause anyone to reevaluate their life choices!

A Change

A Change

It Was A Sign

After the collision, emergency personnel was on their way to Madelyn’s house in no time. She refused to be moved, however, because she was in such excruciating pain. She preferred to spend days in the bathtub after sending the responders away.

It Was A Sign

It Was A Sign

A Sense Of Calm

Madelyn felt a sense of tranquility sweep over her entire body as she reclined in the bathtub. She took it as a sign because it wasn’t something she expected. It made her realize that she had been focusing too much on her family’s needs and had neglected herself.

A Sense Of Calm

A Sense Of Calm

She Was Determined To Change

“That should have been the first indicator for me that I needed to lose weight,” Madelyn said, “but it took me another year before I decided to do something.” Regardless, something extraordinary happened when she finally summoned all her strength and willpower.

She Was Determined To Change

She Was Determined To Change

Best Shape Of Her Life

Within two years, she had lost a hundred pounds. Madelyn was a true game-changer. Aside from that, she was still in fantastic shape five years later. She had no idea, however, that she would soon find herself in the middle of a life-or-death conflict.

Best Shape Of Her Life

Best Shape Of Her Life

Mustering The Bravery To Do It

Madelyn, 43, weighed 170 pounds and was in excellent shape. Furthermore, the mother felt more assured than she had previously. She decided to do something she had never done before on a very hot day. She was well aware that her body was far from ideal. Despite this, she wore her new black bikini on a family trip to the Adventure Oasis Water Park. However, things began to go wrong.

Mustering The Bravery To Do It

Mustering The Bravery To Do It

Someone Was Watching Her

People of various ages and body kinds were present at the water park. Madelyn fixed her gaze on them. She didn’t feel envious, though, because she was content with the way she looked at the time, and properly so. This had not been a simple task for her. She had no idea, however, that someone was surreptitiously monitoring her as well!

Someone Was Watching Her

Someone Was Watching Her

Confidence is Key

It is quite difficult to reduce weight. It’s also difficult to gain the confidence to wear a bikini after losing so much weight. When people lose weight, they do not instantly gain confidence. They’ll have to put in some effort. Madelyn may have felt fantastic at first, but it was short-lived.

Confidence Is Key

Confidence Is Key

She Could Not Believe It

Madelyn jumped into the water after putting her towel away. Two female staff members approached her within five minutes to say something. Madelyn couldn’t process what they told her straight away because it was so unexpected.

She Could Not Believe It

She Could Not Believe It

Employees Say What

When Madelyn asked them to repeat what they said, she was squinting in the sunlight. Perhaps she misheard them. Nonetheless, the female members of the workforce astounded her.

Employees Say What

Employees Say What

Her “Inappropriate” Outfit

One female employee sighed and reiterated what she had told Madelyn. The mother’s bikini bottoms, she stated, were “too tiny.” “This is a family park,” she continued, describing them as “inappropriate.”

Her “Inappropriate” Outfit

Her “Inappropriate” Outfit

According To Who’s Standards?

Madelyn was perplexed as to what was going on. After all, she was wearing “full” bikini bottoms. She became even more perplexed after looking around. Many of the other women at the water park were dressed in much more revealing swimwear! There was something wrong with this place.

According To Who's Standards

According To Who’s Standards

She Felt Violated

Madelyn’s expression betrayed the sudden surge of emotion she was experiencing. She couldn’t stop feeling humiliated and ashamed after hearing what the female staff had to say about her figure. She thought that was a complete affront.

She Felt Violated

She Felt Violated

Taking A Stand

Madelyn grew irritated after a few moments of feeling that way. “I was ashamed for a second, and then it was no, no way,” she explained. Improving yourself required a lot of effort, so she decided that these other ladies weren’t going to bring her down like that.

Taking A Stand

Taking A Stand

They Singled Her Out

“My physique is different from the young girls who were going around in their bikinis,” she continued, “but why should I be ashamed of my body?” “I am at ease in my bikini,” Madelyn continued. “I’m content with who I am.”

They Singled Out Her Out

They Singled Her Out

Embracing Your Body

“My first reaction was why are you singling me out?” Madelyn continued. My bottoms were deemed unsuitable, according to them. That made me laugh since those are full-size bottoms.” Women of all sizes and shapes should not be made to feel embarrassed of their bodies. They should be allowed to be comfortable in their own skin.

Embracing Your Body

Embracing Your Body

Time To Take A Stand

The two female employees kept accusingly gazing at Madelyn. She made a point of looking at them in response. Madelyn knew that if this had happened several years before, she would not have stood up for herself since she was simply too shy, but things were different today.

Time To Take A Stand

Time To Take A Stand

Standing Up For Herself

Madelyn realized she had to stand up for herself. Even though they didn’t have a clear reason, they singled her out. Unfortunately for them, she had built up a strong sense of self-assurance that would not be easily broken. She wanted to have long-lasting confidence.

Standing Up For Herself

Standing Up For Herself

They Gave Her Two Options

The sassy young women were clearly not going to let it go. Madelyn was informed she had two choices: cover up her bottoms with shorts or leave. She became enraged and urged them to summon their supervisor to speak with her.

They Gave Her Two Options

They Gave Her Two Options


Madelyn felt incensed and responded, “Well I am not covering up.” She continued, “And if you expect me to leave, you had better call the police and have them escort me out.” Despite feeling embarrassed about having been singled out, Madelyn also felt she was taking a stand for many women.



She Was Booted Out

Eventually, the authorities arrived at the waterpark, much to her dismay. They came to kick her out. “Fifteen minutes later the police did arrive and said that while they did not agree, they had to do their job. ‘We can’t say anything,’ they said as we walked outside… but I hope from the expressions on our face you can tell how we feel,” Madelyn recalled.

She Was Booted Out

She Was Booted Out

Even The Police Agreed

The sassy young women were clearly not going to let it go. Madelyn was informed she had two choices: cover up her bottoms with shorts or leave. She became enraged and urged them to summon their supervisor to speak with her.

Even The Police Agreed

Even The Police Agreed

Looking Too Good In A Bikini

“I am a 43-year-old woman who did not have the confidence in her body to put on a bikini until [she was] 40 years old,” Madelyn continued, adding, “I will not be discriminated against because I look too good in one.”

Looking Too Good In A Bikini

Looking Too Good In A Bikini

Wearing A Bikini At Any Age

Madelyn remarked this while explaining her outfit for the day. “This wasn’t a thong at all.” It was a regular, summertime, two-piece, string bikini… the same as everyone else, who felt confident enough in their body to wear one.” She said she was treated unfairly because other people were wearing the same thing.

Wearing A Bikini At Any Age

Wearing A Bikini At Any Age

It Was Completely Unfair

“I felt like that was both age and body discrimination,” Madelyn said, “and I felt like I could look around and see a handful of other girls half my age, wearing the same size bathing suit and not being picked out and ordered to put on clothing or leave.” So, what did she do?

It Was Completely Unfair

It Was Completely Unfair

It Went Viral On Facebook

Madelyn detailed how the waterpark discriminated against her in a Facebook post. What had happened to her was discovered by people from all around the world. The way the personnel at Adventure Oasis Water Park treated Madelyn astounded them. Despite the fact that her post had already gone viral, she continued…

It Went Viral On Facebook

It Went Viral On Facebook

Spreading The Word

Madelyn knew that the internet name and shaming game would not be enough for the water park to learn its lesson. As a result, she considered blowing everything up even more. This, however, was not for her. It was for the other ladies who didn’t have the guts to do it on their own.

Spreading The Word

Spreading The Word

She Received Local Support

“Long story short, I called the media and will be on tonight’s local 41 news,” Madelyn added. While I was waiting for the newsman outside, several people came out and told me how crazy everything was and complimented me on my bikini.”

She Received Local Support

She Received Local Support

Supporters From All Over The World

Madelyn wrote another Facebook post, this time expressing her amazement and appreciation for the positive response to her previous message. She couldn’t believe the outpouring of support she was receiving from complete strangers! “In addition to the countries already mentioned, I’ve received correspondence from Greece, China, Hong Kong, and Brazil, which has sent me over 500 wonderful messages. “I’ve always wanted to explore the world, and now it’s coming to me and showering me with love,” she explained.

Supporters From All Over The World

Supporters From All Over The World

Appreciation For The Human Body

Madelyn included what she had taken away from the experience. “One thing I’ve learned thus far is that there is a lot broader vision and perspective of the human body than what can be found in Independence, Missouri, and around the world… and for that, I thank and appreciate you!” ”

Appreciation For The Human Body

Appreciation For The Human Body

Appreciating What We Have

“Much Love to people who exhibit pride over shame for all shapes, sizes, as well as varied ages and stages, of this wonderful human body we inhabit our time on earth,” Madelyn wrote. But what did she want to accomplish by raising attention to the waterpark’s unjust policies?

Appreciating What We Have

Appreciating What We Have

Money Is Not Going To Fix The Problem

Madelyn clarified the situation. “While I stand by my claim that I was discriminated against at Adventure Oasis Water Park, and I do not believe it should happen again,” she said, “the issue will be resolved not through money, but through a change in the swimming park’s “appropriate swimming attire” policy, as well as an improvement involving better education and orientation of their park management.”

Money Is Not Going To Fix The Problem

Money Is Not Going To Fix The Problem

Change In Policy

With the current state of affairs on the water, we believe there is an opportunity for improvement. Madelyn’s insightful words, hopefully, will not be ignored. If they do not wish to change their standards, they should ensure that they are equally and fairly understood and enforced. Embracing body positivity, on the other hand, appears to be pushed these days. Unfortunately, this type of behavior still happens all around the world, and you might think the next story is even crazier…

A Change In Policy

Change In Policy


Sarah Villafane attends the College of Charleston and works out at the college’s student gym. She had never had any problems there until one day when they stated something to her that she didn’t agree with.



Her Gym Top

Sarah wore the same dress to all three of her lessons that day, as well as to the gym. It was usual for her, and we know many others, to wear gym clothes during the day. In our case, we normally wear gym clothes when we have a lot of errands to run or if we plan to work out after all of our activities for the day.

Her Gym Top

Her Gym Top

A Matching Set

Sarah was dressed in black high-waisted leggings and a black cropped sleeveless shirt that covered much of her stomach. This attire may be found in a lot of gyms and on the feeds of a lot of gym influencers.

A Matching Set

A Matching Set

Approached Her

Sarah began her exercise routine. Then a gym employee approached her and told her she needed to change her shirt. Sarah’s outfit, according to the staff member, was unacceptable. Sarah was taken aback. What exactly did she do?

Approached Her

Approached Her

No Other Option

Sarah pretended she didn’t have another clothing and went about her workout as if nothing had happened. She was, however, mortified. Regrettably, the story did not end there.

No Other Option

No Other Option

The Conversation

Sarah then walked to a corner of the gym and sat on the floor to work on her abs. Unfortunately, another member of staff approached her and requested her to remove her shirt. Sarah said, “I’m wearing a shirt.”

The Conversation

The Conversation

The Staff Member Argued

“No, that’s not a shirt. You have to wear a whole shirt,” the gym staffer replied. Sarah then inquired, “How is this not a shirt?” according to the gym employee.

The Staff Member Argued

The Staff Member Argued

Continued On

This employee also stated that Sarah’s “manager” was always available if she had an issue. She laughed and suggested they might ask their manager to talk with her if they were serious.

Continued On

Continued On

The Manager

Sarah was approached by the manager, who advised her to either change her blouse or leave. Sarah’s embarrassment was compounded by the fact that the other pupils in the gym were staring at her.

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The Manager

Referred To As Boss

“I need you to put on a shirt or I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” the “boss” (as the staff referred to the manager) remarked, to which Sarah replied, “But I have a shirt on.” He then said, “Are you going to put a shirt on?”

Screenshot 4

Referred To As Boss

Gym Clothes

Gym clothing should be comfy and wearable. They may expose some skin on occasion. They’ve always been tight and a touch flashy over the years.

Screenshot 8

Gym Clothes

Conducted Wrong

Sarah was not only embarrassed but she was also forced to leave. The problem may have been handled in a more professional manner. The employees could have communicated the gym’s policies to Sarah with more courtesy. They should have informed her that they were merely enforcing the law.

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Conducted Wrong

Taking It To Media

Sarah narrated what had transpired in a Facebook post. She was enraged, so she voiced her displeasure. Her top was a sports bra, but since it was athletic clothing, it should have been allowed. There should have been no condemnation, she believed.

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Taking It To Media