These Celebrities Go Through Exceptional Weight Loss Transformation For Their New Roles

Published on 02/08/2022

Many people struggle to remain fit and even celebrities living in the spotlight face this dilemma. In fact, these famous people might find it more difficult to manage their weight. For this article, we listed how some well-known individuals figured out the answer to remaining fit. Continue reading, and you might just find the answer that suits you!

Christina Aguilera

Let us top off our list with the 35-year-old pop superstar, Christina Aguilera. She looks stunning in her small frame upon dropping 50 pounds. And yet, for unknown reasons, she received lots of criticism due to her curvy figure in the year 2012. Following her one-year journey to weight loss, Christina received positive attention from the media.

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera

50 Cent

The rapper-turned-actor Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson stunned his fans throughout the world upon losing 50 pounds of weight for his role as a patient with cancer in a movie. At least to say, his sudden weight loss is super uncomfortable.

50 Cent

50 Cent

John Goodman

One of the legends in Hollywood, John Goodman, does not recommend rapid weight loss. He admitted that he was sure that he will have problems with his health sooner or later because he was eating “all crap” throughout his day. And yet, right now he certainly looks dashing.

John Goodman

John Goodman

Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt played as the charming Andy Dwyer on the hit TV show Parks and Recreation prior to going buff for his huge role as a superhero in the Marvel Universe. The action star makes it seem like losing weight is as easy as pie.

Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt

Christian Bale

As one of the heavily decorated actors in Hollywood, Christian Bale must stick to some strict weight loss programs every once in a while. His transformation from being the starved lead in The Machinist to the Dark Knight in Batman Begins attracted lots of attention.

Christian Bale

Christian Bale

Alec Baldwin

One of the veteran Hollywood actors, Alec Baldwin, resorted to following programs focused on losing weight after he was diagnosed by doctors as a prediabetic. Ever since then, Baldwin has lost more than 30 pounds.

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin

Mariah Carey

Upon physically going bigger and bigger, bigger-than-life superstar Mariah Carey decided that she has to become healthy once again. Over the course of her weight-loss transformation, Carey dropped more than 70 pounds of extra weight.

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey

Al Roker

Television host Al Roker is starting to look more svelte and cooler ever since he lost some weight. He used to tip the scales at about 340 pounds but upon choosing to lose the extra weight, he is now at 190.

Al Roker

Al Roker

Gabourey Sidibe

Because of her amazing performance in the motion picture Precious, Gabourey Sidibe became a massive breakout star. And yet, it was obvious that she was embarrassed with her image. Ever since she entered the film, she dropped around 50 pounds and she continues her regime to a healthier weight.

Gabourey Sidibe

Gabourey Sidibe

Rebel Wilson

Even “Fat Amy” made it on our list! 37-year-old Rebel Wilson, the star of the musical Pitch Perfect started on her weight loss last April 2016 and has managed to shed off 15 pounds. The secret to this is hiking where she has fun while losing weight at the same time!

Rebel Wilson

Rebel Wilson

Kirsten Vangsness

You might have trouble recognizing Kirsten Vangsness now even though she was well-loved for her role as Penelope Garcia in Criminal Minds. And the reason for this is connected to her remarkable weight loss. She gives the credit of her transformation to her personal trainer who provided her with a healthy-eating diet.

Kirsten Vangsness

Kirsten Vangsness

Keely Shaye Smith

Keely Shaye Smith is an American journalist who also plays as the support behind the big-time movie star Pierce Brosnan as his second wife. She might not be as well-known as her husband, but she has also appeared in a few movies such as Poisoning Paradise and The Opponent.

Keely Shaye Smith

Keely Shaye Smith

Celine Dion

Each one of us has heard of the name Celine Dion at one point because of her massive contribution to the music industry. She is well-known for her contribution for the theme song for Titanic, My Heart Will Go On. She started losing weight upon the death of her husband, but she is doing better now.

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Celine Dion

Kirstie Alley

Despite being 65 years old, Kirstie Alley has been included in this list because she looks much healthier now. Kirstie followed the program from Jenny Craig where she dropped 50 pounds and because of this, she even became a spokesperson for Craig.

Kirstie Alley

Kirstie Alley


The 31-year-old multiple Grammy Awards winner Adele lost a lot of weight by simply removing sugar from her daily intake. The singer-songwriter has always been criticized for being overweight but now that she started losing the extra pounds, she has been called out for being too thin. Many speculate that her separation from her husband of three years is because of her weight loss.

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Jorge Garcia

One of the members of Lost stars Jorge Garcia decided to make a drastic change into his lifestyle in order to maintain a healthy weight. He decided to go vegan which helped to shed the extra weight and has also included exercise in his regime.

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


Jonathan Antoine

Jonathan Antoine is one of the stars of Britain’s Got Talent. In order to lose a lot of weight, the gifted singer decided to start eating healthier and also included exercising which certainly amped up his lifestyle.

Jonathan Antoine

Jonathan Antoine

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi was well-known for being both a Jersey Shore darling and being Instagram’s sexiest bod. Ever since she had her child, Snooki has lost more than 100 pounds of weight and is really living big at the present.

Nicole Snooki Polizzi

Nicole Snooki Polizzi

Raven Symone

Raven Symone was in the headlines on 2011 where it became public that the ex-child star lost more than 70 pounds. She claims that following a strict diet and workout is what helped her succeed.

Raven Symone

Raven Symone

Graham Elliot

The weight loss transformation of Graham Elliot, the steadfast star of MasterChef, is pretty much obvious to everyone. His weight peaked at 400 pounds but has now dropped more than 150 of these excess pounds.

Graham Elliot

Graham Elliot

Chaz Bono

Chaz Bono, the current star of the show Dancing with the Stars, now looks very much striking than ever before and this is all thanks to him being able to shed off a considerable amount of weight.

Chaz Bono

Chaz Bono

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher left quite an impression as Princess Lea. She managed to lose a lot of pounds to be able to make a comeback and play her part in the movie franchise Star Wars. It is such a shame that she passed away a few years ago but her portrayal in her role has left an impact on continues to live in.

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher

Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson was diagnosed last 2008 with Type 2 Diabetes. Since then, he realized that he needed to have a lifestyle change. He has lost more than 100 pounds of weight as he continues struggling with diabetes.

Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson

Mama June

We have already mentioned Honey Boo Boo in the list and why not include Mama June? Mama June has shed around 150 pounds of weight upon concentrating on her health. And she is better now all thanks to her personal weight loss journey.

Mama June

Mama June

Ruben Studdard

The winner of the second season of the American Idol, Ruben Studdard deserves to be in this lost. He lost a massive 112 extra pounds from the time of his television debut back in 2003, until the present.

Ruben Studdard

Ruben Studdard

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Drew Carey

As they say, Cleveland rocks and so does Carey. In order to take on the hosting job offer for the show The Price is Right, Drew Carey lost a ton of weight and really looks even better now.

Drew Carey

Drew Carey

Ronnie Ortiz

The stud of Jersey Shore Ronnie Ortiz became too complacent when the title and fame went over his head. As a result, he gained an incredible amount of weight. Currently, he started going back to the gym and he looks way better after this transformation.

Ronnie Ortiz

Ronnie Ortiz

Star Jones

Star Jones has always been straightforward when saying things and she even described herself as ‘morbidly obese’. She decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery in order to assist her in trimming down her excess weight.

Star Jones

Star Jones

Wendy Williams

The ‘Wendy Williams Show’ is a place where you might be able to learn lots of stuff, which even includes things about the host. Wendy Williams managed to lose 50 pounds by taking things slow and steady as she realized that her weight loss journey isn’t something that can happen overnight.

Wendy Williams

Wendy Williams

Jordin Sparks

The singer Jordin Sparks managed to trim down 50 pounds in just a year and a half. She decided not to make the lifestyle changes too quickly in order to not feel tortured by the journey.

Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks

Kelly Osbourne

Kelley Osbourne didn’t go for the extreme in order to shed off 42 pounds. She managed to do this by regular exercise and controlling her food portions. Kelly expressed that she really enjoys checking herself out in the mirror and has stopped making comparison to other girls. You go, girl!

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne

Khloe Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian, the youngest sister in the Kardashian trio, has dropped more than 25 pounds. She managed to do this by changing her lifestyle. She exercises for four times in a week and consumes food in moderation.

Khloe Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian

Melissa McMcarthy

Melissa McCarthy best known for her role as ‘Sookie Saint James’ of Gilmore Girls managed to lose 50 pounds of excess weight. We know for sure that this comedian slash actress looks better than ever.

Melissa McMcarthy

Melissa McMcarthy

Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood, the gifted American Idol champion, is well-known for her country music. However, she gained almost 30 pounds after having her child, Isaiah. Nevertheless, she managed to lose the extra weight by exercising in moderation partnered with eating healthily. She works out anytime and anywhere she could.

Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood

Amber Riley

The Glee star Amber Riley managed to drop multiple dress sizes. And this is all thanks to following a healthy diet plan. She is smart enough to know that rapid weight reduction has its risk.

Amber Riley

Amber Riley

Stephenie Meyer

The author of Twilight Stephenie Mayer has been recently making the headlines because of her weight loss journey. The 39-year-old claims that her secret to this is running. She said, “I used to be more an elliptical-and-weights girl, but I’ve started running in the last year and I hate it and love it at the same time.”

Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer

Al Sharpton

The Reverend Al Sharpton lost a lot of weight. Over the recent years, he had lost around 170 pounds, going down from being 305 pounds to now only 129 pounds. Apparently, his secret includes working out and eating healthily. 

Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton

Paula Deen

Paula Deen is well-known as the “queen of comfort cooking” and has managed to lose 35 pounds. She has been diagnosed with diabetes and admitted that she was hooked on smoothies. Paula Deen credits her weight loss to making a healthy smoothie for breakfast as she goes on about her day.

Paula Deen

Paula Deen

Penn Jillette

Penn & Teller duo magician, Penn Jillette, was able to shed off 100 pounds. Standing at 6 feet and 7 inches, he weighed at 322 pounds until his doctors diagnosed that his heart had a 90%-blockage. Because of this, he started a potato diet where for two entire weeks, he only ate plain potatoes. As time went by, he added a variety of vegetables into his meals.

Penn Jillette

Penn Jillette

Adam Richman

Being the star of Man vs. Food, food became the priority in Adam Richman’s life. And yet, he didn’t allow himself to succumb to overeating. Because of this, he adopted a vegan lifestyle which yielded outstanding results.

Adam Richman

Adam Richman

America Ferrera

America Ferrera, Ugly Betty star, is not satisfied with just making sure she doesn’t have unneeded calories. She is also making sure to being comfortable inside her own skin. And just look at how beautiful America Ferrera is.

America Ferrera

America Ferrera

Rosie O’Donnell

We give our sincerest congratulations to Rosie O’Donnell for being able to lose 70 pounds despite not being given a break when it comes to facing the constant ups and downs when it comes to her weight.

Rosie O Donnell

Rosie O Donnell

Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes can do anything her mind sets to do, and it’s thanks to her children that she was inspired to drop off 130 pounds. Her secret is doing a fierce cardio regime partnered up with strict diet.

Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes

Zach Galifianakis

Zach Galifianakis has always been a big guy as portrayed both in Between Two Ferns and in The Hangover Trilogy. But when he stopped drinking on 2014, he was able to lose an incredulous 50 pounds from his excess weight.

Zach Galifianakis

Zach Galifianakis

Jonah Hill

We have also included the young star Jonah Hill in this list of amazing celebrities. Comparing him as he is now versus the days when he was in Superbad, most of us will have a difficult time recognizing him.

Jonah Hill

Jonah Hill

Kim Kardashian

If you manage to find one celebrity magazine without Kim Kardashian in it, then you can guarantee someone has torn out a page or two. While her curves are loved by many, she felt the need to drop a few pounds, and now she looks like this.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

Tyra Banks

Being a supermodel isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. Tyra Banks’ weight managed to fluctuate, but this star made it her goal to get back into healthy shape, and she did just that.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks

Oprah Winfrey

With so much time in front of the cameras, we can’t expect everybody to keep their opinions to themselves. However, Oprah didn’t use the noise of critics to get to the healthy weight that she is today – she used her self-love to do so.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

Seth Rogen

With his iconic laugh and recognizable size, Seth Rogen has become a staple in funny movies. His big size however, seems to be something of the past, especially after recently losing 30 pounds.

Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen

Jessica Simpson

After having a baby, it’s certainly not east to find the time and energy to shed that baby weight. Jessica Simpson must be an exception though, because she managed to do just that!

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson

Miranda Lambert

With the help of Bill Crutchfield, her trainer reason why Miranda Lambert was able to lose 25 pounds. Miranda Lambert did pay attention carefully to her diet. Proper diet and exercise is her key to success.

Miranda Lambert

Miranda Lambert

Drew Berrymore

Drew Barrymore, the Santa Clarita Actress, had made an excellent weight loss when she started on a strict diet. The 43-year-old actress has made it by consuming more protein than she used to.

Drew Berrymore

Drew Berrymore

LeAnn Rimes

LeAnn Rimes might not be as famous as she once was, but she still set her mind into removing her extra weight. She managed to pull it off by being active. She did a lot of physical activities such as running, boxing, and training.

LeAnn Rimes

LeAnn Rimes

Melissa Joan Hart

The secret of Melissa Joan Hart’s personal journey to weight loss is that she has always been a great believer of the Nutrisystem. She has even credited her weight loss of 40 pounds to this.

Melissa Joan Hart

Melissa Joan Hart

Sam Smith

Sam Smith had the help of Amelia Freer in his weight loss transformation and even put up an Instagram post that proves it. He mentioned that Freer helped him lose over a stone in just two weeks and that he now has a different point of view when it comes to food. In addition, he mentioned that what matters is to feel happy in yourself.

Sam Smith

Sam Smith

Perez Hilton

The self-proclaimed “Queen of all Media” Perez Hilton is included in this list for having made a very astonishing transformation. He has crawled his way into this list by being able to lose 70 pounds of excess weight.

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton

Renee Zellweger

Most of us are familiar with Renee Zellweger as she is well-loved because of her role in the Bridge Jones’s Diary movies. However, she gained quite a bit of weight just after her role and that was when she resolved to do the 4000-calorie-a-day-diet.

Renee Zellweger

Renee Zellweger

Ricky Gervais

We all know that Ricky Gervais is funny and English. But not everyone knows that he resolved to lose his extra weight. Therefore, he decided to team up with his partner, Jane Fallon. Thanks to her, he was able to shed 40 pounds.

Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais

Jerry Ferrara

Jerry Ferrara is well-known as an actor in the show Entourage. He was diagnosed by the doctor and received grave warnings about his health. It was the wake-up call that made him want to lose weight. After the warning, he lost 55 pounds of weight by following the advice of his doctor.

Jerry Ferrara

Jerry Ferrara

Abby Lee Miller

Abby Lee Miller is one of the best dance mentors. For Abby, it’s not always eating clean and working out, but it was a lap-band procedure which took her weight down from a size 24 to a 16.

Abby Lee Miller

Abby Lee Miller

Tom Arnold

Tom gained weight while his wife was pregnant which proved that it might be true that husbands gain weight when their partner is carrying a child. He gained more than 70 pounds, but this didn’t stop him from losing 100 pounds after the child was born.

Tom Arnold

Tom Arnold

Kevin Smith

With a strict diet and regular workout routine, Kevin Smith presented the world the new him at the year 2015. He lost 85 pounds from his massive weight. In order to keep his weight as it is, he continues following his strict diet and regular workout.

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

Jill Scott

Jill has a unique method to shed some weight. She was having fun boxing, biking and doing cardio thrice a week. After all the hard work and being discipline, she lost 70 pounds and still try to redefine her body. It was impressive too.

Jill Scott

Jill Scott

Valerie Bertinelli

Valerie is an American actress and is also the host of the cooking show Valerie’s Home Cooking. She lost 40 pounds at age of 55. Being disciplined with her diet helped her to achieve her favorable weight.

Valerie Bertinelli

Valerie Bertinelli

Rachael Ray

Rachel Ray is a well-known TV personality, businesswoman, celebrity cook, and author at the age of 49. She hosts a daily and lifestyle show called Rachel Ray and three other series on the Food Network. Back in 2009, she was diagnosed with throat cancer which was her wake-up call to make herself healthy. She follows a Mediterranean diet, works out, and drinks a lot of water.

Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Kevin Federline

Kevin Federline, Britney Spears ex-husband, gained weight because he stopped exercising, dancing, and dieting. This affected his relationship with his sons. He realized that he needed to make a lifestyle change. He signed-up for VH1’s Celebrity Fit Club 7: Boot Camp to lose all the weight he gained.

Kevin Federline

Kevin Federline

Chaka Khan

Chaka Khan is a singer. She lost weight after using a vegan-liquid diet for four months. She disciplined herself for 2 whole months which yielded some results. It made her healthier and gave her a radiating look.

Chaka Khan

Chaka Khan

Angie Stone

Angie has decided to lose weight after being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. It was her wake-up call to go on a diet and improve her overall health. With proper discipline, she lost some of her extra pounds.

Angie Stone

Angie Stone

Dr. Dre

Andre Romelle, also known as Dr. Dre, is one of the most famous rappers in the US. At the age of 50, he lost 50 pounds of weight with proper discipline. He toned himself as he didn’t want to have saggy skin due to weight loss.

Dr Dre

Dr Dre

Kevin Liles

Kevin Liles is the former heavy head of Def Jam. In 2007, he decided to lose some weight with gastric bypass surgery. It was a huge transformation which helped him lose weight and keep it off.

Kevin Liles

Kevin Liles

Ricki Lake

Ricki Lake is an actress whose weight helped to establish her career. But then, she realized she didn’t want to keep it anymore. With healthy diet and daily routine exercise She went down from size 24 to 6.

Ricki Lake

Ricki Lake

Paul Wall

When Paul got the call on the reality TV show “Celebrity Fit Club” he realized that he needs to lose weight. Even though he didn’t attend the show, he got gastric sleeve surgery and dropped a hundred serious weight. But he never tried to get rid of his baggy jeans.

Paul Wall

Paul Wall

Jason Sudeikis

Jason lost his 20 pounds of weight because of his wife, Olivia Wilde. During an interview with Elle magazine, they said, “I have the greatest workout partner in the world. And you don’t need a gym membership for that kind of workout.” While his wife said, “We have sex like Kenyan marathon runners,” Jason claims it was hilarious.

Jason Sudeikis

Jason Sudeikis

Jason Segel

Jason is a star in How I Met Your Mother. According to the show, he was forced to lose some weight for his role. It was the role for the Five-Year-Engagement. He lost 35 pounds of his weight by eating healthy food and working out.

Jason Segel

Jason Segel

Bristol Palin

Bristol is a contestant on Dancing with the Stars. She was a third runner-up in the contest in season 11 while ninth in season 15. Even though she has many haters, she was motivated and proved them wrong.

Bristol Palin

Bristol Palin

Kyle Massey

Another contestant on Dancing with the Stars, Kyle left the show 18 pounds lighter.Kyle Massey is one of the contenders of Dancing with the Stars. With proper training and heavy practice, Kyle place 2nd runner-up in the contest and after that event, he lost 18 pounds of his weight.

Kyle Massey

Kyle Massey

Hilary Duff

Hilary is a busy TV personality who starred in the TV show Younger. She is also a single mother to her son, Luca. Despite her busy schedule, she still manages her looks at and maintains her healthy body.

Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff

Rob Kardashian

Rob Kardashian was a contestant in Dancing with the Stars. He reached second place at the contest which inspired him to lose weight. Even after he became a father, he maintains his healthy lifestyle.

Rob Kardashian

Rob Kardashian

Russell Crowe

Russel Crowe managed to remain fit by doing what he loves. He is active and goes on bike riding, and hiking. He lost 52 pounds of weight just by being active with his favorite sports.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe

Lisa Lampanelli

Lisa is known for being a hilarious insult comic and being successful on Celebrity Apprentice. After gastric sleeve surgery, she lost 107 pounds. Until now, she balances and maintains her weight with proper lifestyle.

Lisa Lampanelli

Lisa Lampanelli

Rick Ross

Rick suffered seizures twice in just one day last 2011. It was the time that he knew it will be lethal if he would not take care of his health. With proper exercise and a healthy diet, he lost 75 pounds and continues to live a healthy lifestyle.

Rick Ross

Rick Ross

Holly Madison

Holly Madison did not care about weight loss until she had her first baby. However, she didn’t resolve to try crash diet. She devoted herself to eat vegetables and fruits and set it to be her general rule of her life.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison

Queen Latifah

What’s truly inspirational about Queen Latifa is her incredible weight loss. She experiments with different routines just to avoid boredom. With her knowledge of diet and health lifestyle, even if she’s busy, she can still achieve her weight loss goals.

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Queen Latifah

Janet Jackson

Moving on in our list is Janet Jackson who is famous for her Super Bowl performance. She has now dropped 60 pounds of weight and is continuously challenging herself with the goal of becoming more physically fit.

Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson

Beth Smith

Beth Smith is apparently known for her chubby weight, but she has made a very impressive transformation when she lost the extra weight everyone associated her with. She was even put into the spotlight when she became the fifth wife of the bounty hunter, ‘Dog’ Duane Chapman.

Beth Smith

Beth Smith

Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle, a Scottish songstress, entered the limelight in 2009 when she participated in Britain’s Got Talent. Just recently, doctors diagnosed her with Type 2 diabetes and advised her to lose weight. She followed her doctors’ advice and has lost almost 30 pounds. Susan Boyle stopped incorporating sugar into her diet and has removed cakes and sweets from her daily meal intake. She also started going on 2-mile walks. Her commitment to stick with this routine surely paid off as she now looks dazzling than before.

Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle

Chrissy Metz

Chrissy Metz fought against her heavy depression and low energy as she filmed American Horror Story: Freakshow. And yet, she now seems to be in better shape when she lost 100 pounds for her big break, This is Us.

Christy Metz

Chrissy Metz


We’ve all been wanting to find out how the Pawn Stars star Chumlee managed to drop off his extra pounds. Apparently, he paired up with his friend and colleague Corey Harrision in order to help with his weight loss.

